Your Set Time Of Favour Has Come

Time of favour  is the appointed period between promise and manifestation
It is a moment that is unplanned, unexpected and unscheduled when God decides to bless or favour you. 

“Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come.”
— (Psalms 102:13)
ACCORDING to Psalm 102:13, there is a set time for the favour of God to manifest in your life. Time is generally defined in the Greek as “chronos” and “kairos”.

“Chronos” represents a chronological time that is calculated in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries and millennia. “Kairos” represents

a God-appointed time when something is to occur. “Kairos” generally denotes God’s divine intervention in your life to accelerate or bring to pass some occurrence or event on your behalf,  to do you a “favour”.

Favour for the most part is an unexplainable. It is a moment that is unplanned, unexpected and unscheduled when God decides to bless or favour you. In other words, “kairos” is a time when God decides that He is going to bless   your life.

Favour, in many cases, seems undeserved and does not follow any natural, rational or reasonable explanation. It is an attitude of approval or liking. Favour can also be defined as over-generous or “unfair” preferential treatment.

“Divine favour is an uncommon blessing or breakthrough that God Himself has orchestrated and ordained for your life. This favour comes directly from the hand of God.

Divine favour sometimes cannot be articulated or even imagined by the human mind because it comes from the realm of God.

Further, divine favour positions you for success and transcends all barriers whether they may be racial, social, cultural, financial, relational or even generational.

As it relates to divine favour, nothing in this natural realm is an attributing factor to your success. This simply means that God’s divine favour has nothing to do with how beautiful you are, how educated you may be,

your socioeconomic status, your level of financial prominence, your political persuasion, ethnicity or nationality. On the other hand, neither are you disqualified from

the favour of God if you may have experienced some misfortune or dilemma in your life. The divine favour of God does not influence your life because of who you are or what you may have done, but it comes to

your life because of who God is to you.
I am reminded of Esther who replaced Vashti as queen in Shushan. She was an orphan girl who had gone through so much

turmoil during the course of her life but somehow found grace in the sight of God. She had lost both parents and was forced to grow up in a time when her people (the Jews) were under great persecution.

However, one moment of crisis in the kingdom of Shushan presented a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Esther, again because of the favour of God on her life.

The removal of Vashti as queen created a glorious moment for God to display his power through Esther and set in place a divine plan for the deliverance of His people

Esther 2:15 says: “And when the turn of Esther came…” This clearly means that God has an appointed time when He will turn your situation around.

Esther’s turn came and immediately she went from rags to riches and from poverty to a wealthy place. She did not have to fight, manipulate or buy her way to success; the sceptre was simply extended to her.

In that single moment, when God had determined that it was Esther’s turn, her entire life changed.

I decree and declare that the favour of God will surround you like a shield and change your entire life. As you go forth in this season I declare that you will have divine

encounters and that great doors of opportunities will be opened for you. I decree and declare that heaven will open over your life in this season and that your set time of favour has come, in Jesus’ name!

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