Ways Personaal Devotion Helps A Christian Life


Personal devotion

Personal Christian devotion is a great way to get closer to God. It is a quiet time that you spend time praying, reading God’s word, and reflecting on your relationship with God.

You might also choose to sing hymns, meditate or write in a journal during your devotion time. If you set aside a little time

each day to open your heart to God’s word, you will likely find that it becomes an important part of your spiritual work.

Procedures on how to have your personal devotion:

1. Open your devotion with prayer.

your devotion is a time that you should spend listening for God’s guidance in your life,

so it’s important to approach it with a humble, open attitude. Before you even begin your devotion, starts with a prayer asking God to share his wisdom with you.

2. Read some passages from the Bible.

The best way to hear God’s message for you is true his words. There is no right or wrong way to read your

Bible, although it can be helpful to read an entire passage or chapter to ensure you read each verse in its intended context.

However, it’s fine if you want to read the Bible straight through, you can skip around to different books of the Bible ,or you can follow a guided reading plan, if you prefer.

Try to highlight or underline verses that seems significant to you when you read them. Then when you re-read that passage, it will be a reminder of a time that God spoke to you in a special way.

If you would like some extra guidance during your devotion, you can as well try to look for a book of devotional that you will find relevant.

3. Try to reflect on what you read and how it affects your life.

once you finish reading your Bible passage, take a few moments to really absorb the meaning of the words. Try to find a way to connect them to your life personally, and think about how that reflects to your relationship with God.

4. Try to keep a journal so you can look back on your spiritual journey.

while you don’t have to keep a journal to have a personal devotion, it can be a good way to help you organise your thoughts and it can provide a touching way for you to track your spiritual growth over time. You might jot down your thoughts about what you are reading, prayers for yourselves and others or some of your favourite bible verses.

5. Sing hymns if you enjoy worshipping that way.


if you find that the singing hymns helps you feel closer to God, try incorporating them into your devotion routine.

The Bible encourages God’s followers to praise him with song, such as in psalm 105:2 “sing to him, sing praises to him,

tell of all his wondrous works!””” singing can help quite your spirit while experiencing your love for God.

6. Conclude your devotion with prayer.

Ending your devotion with prayer is a good way to ensure that you will feel close to God throughout your day.

You can pray about whatever you like -you might want to praise God, ask him to help you with a problem you are having or even pray for other people.

In 1st thessalonians 5 verse 17, the Bible tells us to “pray without ceasing” this means you should always keep God in your thoughts, and you can talk to him whenever you want. However, it is still helpful to set aside certain times for more specific, intentional prayers.

How to make your devotion unique:

A. Set aside the same time everyday.

In order for your devotions to really impact your day-to-day life, it is important to be consistent.

If you want to have a devotion everyday, it is helpful to do it at the same time each day. Pick a tim,e and treat it like an important appointment – try your best not to schedule anything else during that time.

B. Find need a place that is quiet and free of destruction. In order to be really focused on God’s word, it’s important that you do not have a lot of noise going on around you.

Pick a quiet spot where you feel comfortable, and make sure to turn off the TV, radio or anything else that might distract you.

In psalm 46 verse 10 the Bible says “Be still, and know that I am God”. if you are quiet and relaxed, you will be more like likely to feel his presence around you.

C. Ask your family members to respect your quiet time. if you live with other people, they might unintentionally interrupt you when you are trying to have your devotion.

Try letting them know that you would like a little time each day to read your Bible and pray, and tell them when you plan to do it.

That way, they will at least be aware of what you are doing and they might be more likely to wait until you are finished before they come to talk to you.

D. Don’t feel like you have to follow a set guidelines for your devotion. A devotion is not a set of rules and routines, but a chance to have a close relationship with God.

Your division might not look exactly like anyone else’s and that’s good – God created you to be unique, and he loves you for who you are.

Try not to think of it as a chore, but a chance to deepen your relationship with him.


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