Ways one give authority to demon

Authority over demon

it is possible to permit demons into one’s body and the ways one gives authority to demons to enter one’s body and operate our through:

1. Satan worship

The worship of Satan is as old as man on Earth. It is known as worldliness or satanism. It is found in various ways, such as black magic, black mass, all facets of drug culture. All forms of idol worship and blood sacrifice have their roots in satanism.

2. Evil dedications

Baby dedications are performed when a child is born, whether to The living God or to a lesser diety. Baby Jesus was dedicated to the Almighty God as expressly stated in Luke 2 verse 22 to 23 “when the time of their purification according to the law of Moses

had been completed, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the lord (as it is written in the law of the Lord, every first born Male is to be consecrated to the lord”).

The unbelievers dedicate their children to Satan, demons, god’s water spirits or other lesser deities. When a child or even baby in

the womb is dedicated to the service of this gods , the demon spirits are assigned the task of ensuring the child remains in their custody all of his or her life.

sometimes these children are dedicated to special festival, ceremonial or market days’ deities or god’s . This dedication can only be broken when such a person comes to accept Jesus Christ as lord and savior.

The demon spirit then see that that person as a traitor  or consequently the demon spirit then activates a curse of destruction in his or her life.

3. Idol worship

Idol worship is fellowship with demons. Sacrifices made to idols are made to demons and these demons inhabit the bodies of their followers. Most ancestral curses originated from idol worship.

4. Occultic involvement

Occultic involvement means obeying the teachings of the demons. These include performing rituals, re-counting incantations, keeping or using charms, using demonic

powers, casting spells, reading occultic literatures/ publications, magical arts and practices, witchcraft, divinations and sorcery.

All these types of occultism invite demons into the bodies of predictioners .Act 19 verse 19 says “A number who had practiced

sorcery brought their scroll together and burn them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to 50,000 black drachmas.

5. Psychic experience

A psychic is a person susceptible to psychic influence like a medium fortunetaller and divination. Divination is a pagan counterparts of Christian prophecies. Divination is by demon power (it is satanic). The Bible classifies false prophets and diviners as one.

6. Habitual sins

Behind every sin is a spirit. If you continue in sin then you give authority to demon operations in your life.

7. Curses

Curses can results in demonic activities and can affect generations of families.

8. Uncontrolled emotions

Anger, jealousy, hatred, envy and other vices can open a doorway to evil spirit thereby possessing your body.

9. Wrong teachings

wrong teachings come through the doctrines of the demons and those open ways to evil spirits.


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