Types Of Conflict That Affect Our Relationship With God


Conflict and crisis abound in many facets of Life. Our reactions to conflict differ from one

individual, group or the other. Disputes in the home and outside the home should be handled amicably.

The following are the types of conflicts that affect our relationship with God:

1. Intrapersonal Conflict
The intrapersonal conflict is conflict that occurs in an individual who is faced with making a decision on two or more options or choices.

As a resulthe or she struggles within self on which choice will be more beneficial. The appropriate step to take that will leave no room for regrets.

Queen Esther had this type of conflict when she had to choose to approach the king in order to save the jews from extinction and

perhaps face the consequences of death if the King’s refuses for audience, or remain quiet and save her life. ( Esther 4 verse 1 to 17)

2. Interpersonal Conflict
This is when views, ideas, opinions, decisions, and interest clash between two or more persons. It may lead to conflict between them.

Paul and Barnabas disagreed on their plan to undertake a second missionary journey. Barnabas was of the opinion that they travel

with John Mark (his relation )but Paul felt otherwise, because Mark abandoned them during their first missionary journey.

Here at the preferred Silas. This create a sharp disagreement between these two great men of God. Barnabas took Mark while Paul to call Silas (Acts 15:36 to 41)

3. Intra – organisational Conflict
This occurs within a group like, family, Church, and state etc. Squabbles

,competitions, and opposing actions can create conflict. Martha opposed the action of Mary leaving her alone with the house chores.

So she lodged her complaint with Jesus Christ. (Luke 10 verse 38 to 42). Also, in the family of Jacob, Rachel out of envy for her

sister Leah whom God blessed with children gave Jacob her maid Bilhah to bear children on her behalf.

Leah likewise seeing that she could no longer bear children gave her maid zilpah to Jacob as a wife too. (Genesis 30 verse 1 to 24).

The two sisters and one household compete for supremacy.

4. Inter – organizational Conflict
This is when there is a battle or opposing actions between two or more groups,

example of families, religions, political parties, countries, inter-religious conflict in many nations .

Some nations are in battle with each other either due to boundary dispute or for some other reasons.

The dispute between Nigeria and Cameroon over the bakasi peninsula is an example.

Conflict and crisis abound in many facets of Life. Our reactions to conflict differ from one

individual, group or the other. Disputes in the home and outside the home should be handled amicably.


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