“Tomorrow Shall Come With Joy”

Life will never tell why things are treading the slippery: hence one must be wise in retrieving the very best from life when dealing with it.

Yesterday may have gone without seeing the realities of life: the miracles to achieve may have gone with the wind and the faith trembling at the sight of a blurry trial.

Today could be living with crisis;tears, disappointment and the daylight could be conceived in the darkness. Heart may be broken, through friend may fail and the dearest ones may be lost.

If there is no trial in life, there won’t be triumph Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail and doing this incarceration his mind was determined to succeed. He transformed from a prisoner to the South African president.

Abraham Lincoln met a lot of odds when climbing the ladder office political career yet he succeeded as the American president.

What makes you happy?

Many of us think if we just made more money or could win the lottery, we would be happy. For some, our happiness is based on relationships such as marriage or friendships. For others, happiness revolves around sports. And of course, if we can’t find happiness in other things, we tend to search for happiness in CHOCOLATE!

We all have personal issues that rock our world at times. Cancer, death, pain, strained relationships, heartache, and so many other things affect the happiness of our daily lives. Psalms 30:5 says, “Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning.” Unfortunately that does not literally mean we will weep through the night and tomorrow everything will be ok. But instead it assures us that there WILL be a time of joy even in the midst of our trials.

The happiness that things such as money, relationships, sports, and chocolate provide is NOT the same as joy. Happiness comes and goes, but joy is long-lasting and brings true contentment. Happiness causes short-term pleasure, but joy is long-lasting. Happiness isn’t something that you can cling to during the trials of life, but real joy endures the trials. True joy is only found through a relationship with our Heavenly Father.

For Christians, joy is like a bottomless well of water. The water is always there, but we have to lower the bucket to get it. It takes effort on our part. We can’t just turn the knob and expect joy to flow freely. We must make the choice each day to lower our bucket. So how exactly do we get the joy into our bucket?

8 steps to joy:

Pray :

When things are out of your control, pray as if every aspect of the situation hinges on your prayer. James 5:16 says, “The urgent request of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.” Prayer is not a one-sided conversation for you to tell God what you want or how you feel. He wants to talk to you too, but often we do not take the time to listen.


Trust God to bring you through it. Psalms 34:19 says, “A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.” His plan is not our plan, so things may not work out exactly how we wanted. But He WILL carry you through. Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

Read the Bible :

Search for what God wants you to learn. Don’t just sit down to read quickly through a daily plan. Take the time to search for what God wants to say to you through those verses.

Look for positive aspects of life :

Each day make an effort to find one good thing no matter how desperate your situation. Record those blessings in a Gratitude Journal so that you can see and hold in your hand all the blessings He bestowed during the trials.
Avoid whining and complaining – Instead of making you feel better, complaining actually highlights the negative, keeping it your focus, and just makes the situation worse.

Serve others :

Doing something for someone else in their time of need helps you forget your own troubles for a moment and increases your joy while decreasing your stress.

Laugh :

Laughing actually provides many benefits. It relaxes the body, relieves stress and pain, benefits heart and immune systems. Laughter really is good medicine. So watch a funny movie, hang out with a friend who tells stupid jokes, or whatever makes you laugh.

Finally, guard your bucket. :

Don’t allow Satan to steal your joy. He wants to rob you of your joy and will use anything possible to discourage us, cause us to worry, and even create doubt.
When it seems that your Bucket Full of Joy is running low, go back to the well. Make sure that you are praying, believing, and reading your Bible. Make the choice every day to lower your bucket, and remember Psalms 30:5 which says, “Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning.”

We won’t always be happy, but we can still have joy in the midst of the chaos.
Remember a farmer that sows with tears shall reap with joy; after darkness comes the light and the sun will always shine after the rain.

Let’s the dwindling lights of Hope Billy candles once more,do nurture it with prayer, endurance,faith  and hard work, thence tomorrow will come with joy as the scars shall be abundant, we shall be wealthy and penury shall be the prosperity.

Tomorrow shall be of Joy as the pains, aches, groan, and sorrow, of yesterday and today shall fade away with the time and tide of life.


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