The Knowledge of Fearing God


The knowledge of fearing God

Fearing God is found throughout the Bible. The Old and New Testaments tells us to fear God. And for good reason. Contained within God’s Book are many examples of the way he disciplines disobedience.

God wrath isn’t subtle. He gives us every opportunity to repent. The Old Testament is full of God’s patience in allowing the Israelites to change their sinful ways and live in obedience.

The Lord was fair with them before acting on His judgment for their defiance. And God has given us their recorded history to remind us the penalty for disobedience.

When God delivered Christ to the world, this changed the way He deals with unfaithful actions. Jesus is God’s last covenant with humanity and without believing in Christ, no one will enter heaven. Once a believer places faith in Christ; then the wisdom of fearing God becomes understood.

The fear of God isn’t one that pushes us away from Him. It draws us closer to Christ because the knowledge of God’s judgment becomes real. Christ is the one who teaches us the way God will handle unbelievers, and the Book of Revelation is the blueprint to God’s final judgment. Don’t be mistaken; everyone one will face Christ’s verdict.

The good news is fearing God paves the way for our eternal inheritance. God shows us through Christ the rewards for following His commands. Our Father makes sure we have a place in heaven. We are fortunate to be chosen by God!

Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. (Proverbs 3:7)

Do you fear God?


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