The cost of a home is determined by its happiness

The cost of a home

When you see a happy couple, don’t envy them or assume they are lucky to find each other. *There is no happy home anywhere* – if you see any be sure they were made. *Being a good person or being religious* doesn’t make a happy home *neither does riches and wealth.* Marrying the *most beautiful woman or the most handsome man* doesn’t guarantee happiness in marriage either. *Many believers even think marrying another good believer is a sure way to having a happy home but many have been disappointed.*

Encouraging words for a friend feeling down


The Man As A Builder


*A happy home is a function of mutual fulfilment derived from mutual selfless commitment to the marital union.* Having a happy home can only be achieved by deliberate efforts and determination of both parties. No matter how much a partner desires a happy home, *it can only happen if the other partner wants and agrees to build a happy home.*



To achieve a happy home, *therefore both parties must first offer themselves as a living sacrifice on the altar of their marriage.* They must deny themselves and be willing to accept their cross.

*In a happy home, ego and self are buried in the grave of marital bliss.* Partners in a happy home don’t think too much about themselves but the happiness of their spouse.

*The journey to a happy home can be initiated by the man or the woman.* This journey starts with *contentment and diligence.* Then it continues in daily *forgiveness and mutual tolerance.*

*No couple is happy when they continue to look at each other’s weaknesses or offences.* They can only be happy if they *choose to accept each other’s* shortcomings and offenses and take their pains and hurts to the Almighty God, instead of romancing with them. Happy couples *don’t win arguments,* rather, they communicate to achieve a better union.

*Happy couples don’t compare their marriage with others,* they are happy and contented with what they have.

Happy homes are not meant for selfish and inconsiderate partners. Happiness is a choice but the price is not cheap. *Only the humble and the broken can buy it.*

The manual for a happy home is not designed by the society or social media. *They are designed by the couple.* The ideal home mustn’t follow the acceptable trends in the society rather working and practicing what makes the parties happy.

You can initiate the journey to a happy home today no matter how far you have traveled in the path of bitterness and unforgiveness. *An unhappy home is the junior sibling to hell fire.* A happy home is a reflection of heavenly bliss. The choice is yours today.

*Give Peace a chance in your marriage today.*
Involve God in all you do!