Should christians watch stranger things?

Should christians watch strange things
Should christians watch stranger things

Should christians watch stranger things is one of the questions that many christians ask in the world today. Each time I hear this question and follow through the arguments, I always conclude that the acceptability of the christians watching stranger things is a subject of immorality. So, in this article, let’s look at a few things to address this question should christians watch stranger things?

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1. What’s the  aim of  watching stranger things such as porns,  blue films, wrestling etc.
Several questions have been asked about the aim of watching stranger things   but before this, let us have a breakdown of what most of the stranger things christians watch  is all about. The reality show is one  of them, where individuals (male and female) with random characters and behavioural patterns are housed in a location for a minimum of ninety days. During this period, they all cook, eat, play, talk, and live as a big family . Their stay is spiced up with frequent games and activities that score them points while they grow a fan base who vote for them outside the house.

Some are of the opinion that it is meant for entertainment and promoting the  brand, others condemn the show for its propagation of sexual immorality and other vices. All in all, there are divergent views about the suitability of the show for the human eyes.

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2. Should watching stranger things  Edify a Christian?

If you want a straight answer to this question, that would be No. No matter how good you want to paint it, watching stranger things does not  edify a Christian.  Watching strange things is  something Christians should  totally abstain from.  There are many things on watching strange things  which do not glorify God in the life of a Christian. From the views of christians who watches strange things from time to time, they  often engage in immoral and sexual acts which are condemned by God’s word. Moreover they equally get ambassadorship deals and prize money plus their brands blow up. It’s basically entertainment. Every time you watch those show, your edification as a Christian is at stake.

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3. Does watching stranger things give True Value?
While many people believe that value is relative in the outside world, the Kingdom of God is subject to the word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit. You may argue that watching strange things does not teach people  sense through the games and every other things they do. However if you check properly, the values they sell on the show are not good values and as christians we shouldn’t encourage such. Watching strange things also means that you endorse it and love it.. You won’t know when you start  “no see anything wrong in gossip or pre-marital sex”. Things you’re supposed to shun, you won’t know when you start practicing illicit acts slowly.

4. Does watching stranger things promotes Immorality.
When christians watch stranger things, you find scenes that are obscene because cameras are hidden strategically all round the house. It seems to support so much immorality. How do you explain coming to live with strangers and you can’t go one month without involving in sexual relationship? It makes no sense to me- if the show was decent then it would have been okay but it’s not.


As humans, we have every tendency to defend what we like, for example, if you love to drink sugary drinks, you will defend your choice regardless of the glaring implications of your unhealthy choice.

Be sincere with yourself, ask yourself why do I really like watching strange things? What do I gain in  watching it? What exactly am I looking for? Having answered these questions truthfully, weigh the worth of the investment you are making in the show in terms of your time and emotions. Ask yourself, is it worth it?

So this is really not to say ‘Oh a Christian should or should not watch strange things’ it is a call to be sincere with yourself about what your intentions and motives are.
The call to guard your heart covers every single thing we take in, and watching strange things should be passed under the same scrutiny.

Many Christians have grown the culture of watching strange things, claiming that ‘it is not affecting them in any. However, as believers, we must not compromise the truth as they are not called to tickle men’s fancies but are custodians of God’s mysteries to explain His truth in a way men should l understand.

Lot was a godly man, yet he was living in Sodom and Gomorrah where homosexuality was the order of the day. Peter described the influence of what he saw and heard daily on his heart. 2Peter 2:7-8: and delivered righteous Lot who was oppressed with the filthy conduct of the wicked. FOR THAT RIGHTEOUS MAN DWELLING AMONG THEM TORMENTED HIS RIGHTEOUS SOUL FROM DAY TO DAY BY SEEING AND HEARING THEIR LAWLESS DEEDS”

“Even though Lot was not a part of sodomy, his soul was constantly tortured by what he saw. Your eyes and your ears are gateways to your heart. It’s the reason God says to Give attention to the word. ‘My son, give attention to my words’ INCLINE YOUR EAR TO MY sayings DO NOT LET THEM DEPART FROM YOUR EYES Keep them in the midst of YOUR HEART…. KEEP YOUR HEART WITH ALL DILIGENCE for out of it spring the issues of life”, she said (Proverbs 4:20-23) Whatever has your eyes and your ears already captured your heart. You cannot keep your heart if you are not selective with what you see and hear often. Makesure you are filled with the Word and not the junks in the world. Being a friend of God will automatically make you an enemy of the world. I am not saying you should hate people, but your love for God will make lawlessness less appealing to you. You struggle to be consistent in your walk with God? But you find it easier to watch strange things.”

“The question is 1. Does it edify your spirit? 2. Does God speak to you through such medium? 3. Does it promote righteous living? 4. Does it lead you to Jesus? I guessed right! NO! Spiritual things are cultivated with much discipline. Meditation of God’s word requires discipline Most times you won’t feel like praying but you need to put feelings aside and pray. Studying God’s Word requires discipline, there is no impartation that will bring discipline. Make Christ your focus and all distractions in the natural realm will become less appealing to you.