Reflection Hour By His Lordship Rt. Rev. Nathan C. O.Kanu (PhD)

His Lordship,Rt Rev.Nathan C.O kanu (JP)

Topic:How Old Are You?
Text:1 Corinthians 13:11

No matter how young one may look or described by people, it does not state exactly how old one may be. At times a gesture expressed by a person makes people to guess or determine his or her age. Nobody wishes to look older than his or her age rather younger.

Biologically, people does not assign age to anybody, One’s age is his or her age. In Christian race age is being assigned based on character trait.

From our text three things are notable in a child or adults .

1. The way you speak
2. The way you understand
3.The way you reason

Note that it is not about how people classify you but it is all about your actions. The assertion above takes us to ascertaining if we are baby Christians or adults christians.

In Christian race, for one to be seen as a baby Christian is not a crime(1 Peter 2: 2) just as Apostle Paul identified among the Corinthian church such as division, strife, envy, malice etc (1Corinthians 3:3)

For easy identification of one’s age, check his/ her character.In totality of our christian race ,we  should be able to define how old we are. 

This could  only achieved when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Personal Saviour.



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