Possible ways to seek the presence of Jesus Christ in your life

Possible ways to seek for the presence of God in your life

If you want to find life in this dark world, then you can find Jesus. If only you diligently seek Him in prayer, he will personally guide you to truth in your life and will reveal His reality.

This article will help you come to know Jesus and have a personal relationship with Jesus.


Leave your worldly lifestyle and cry out to God on your knees. People are living a worldly lifestyle, suiting their own dreams, goals, and desires.

Some people also live with depression, fear, and anxiety which makes their lives very troubled, but if you are humble and cry out to Jesus, and repent, (which means to reject evil

and turn away from your sins in your heart fully) then he will hear you, speak to you, and help you.

But you have to put Jesus first in your life, and seek a relationship with Him, then you will come to know His voice.

You need to be willing to open your heart to the love of Christ.

Seek Jesus in prayer. Cry out to Him, he will hear you, and answer you if you mean it! Ask Jesus to save you and forgive you of your sins, and wash you whiter than snow, however you must not return back to your sins.

In prayer to Jesus, you must repent of your ways, and decide to put Jesus first. Jesus will give you peace, a deep peace, and instantly the depression and the darkness will simply disappear.

Wait for Jesus to talk to you. Jesus will talk to you, when you draw near to Him. He will show you how you need to abide with Him, lay your faith in Him, and leave your way.

He will show you that to be serious, one has to lay aside their own way, and take up their cross and follow Him!

He will show you that no sin enters the kingdom of heaven, and that only if we repent and come to Him for a personal relationship, which is true faith, can we be washed clean and enter the narrow gate to life!

Repent: of sins. Jesus will let you know that he forgives all sins in the past, and if we make mistakes, he forgives them also if we

repent and stop doing them, however we must not go and live in sin again, or we will be lost if we don’t repent, and thus end up in Hell if we die in our sins!

Jesus speaks of this in the Parable of the Sower.

Listen and let Jesus show you the truth. Many people have gone to hell, because they left it too late to repent and get to know Him.

Many don’t want to have a relationship with Him, because many people would rather continue living the way of this world, or being

religious by placing questionable doctrine on certain verses in scripture, yet not seeking Him for real in prayer and commitment, as Jesus said in John 5:39.

You need to seek Him like you would a real person, because Jesus is alive and risen from the dead, is in heaven as King, and can hear and speak to us.

He will soon return for those who accept Him as their King and Saviour, and are faithful. Read Jesus’s words in the Bible and obey them including the exhortations of the letters of the Apostles.

By your faith, you will be justified, and he will add your name in the Book of Life which is in heaven.

Be Baptized in the name of Jesus the Messiah and ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit. For God will give you the Holy Spirit to give you power from heaven to do His will on earth, and to lead you.

The most common sign of receiving this gift is to begin speaking in other tongues that the Holy Spirit will give you, among other gifts. Then you can pray in other tongues as Scripture attests to.

This prayer is very powerful, for it is the Spirit of God praying through you. As 2 Corinthians 6:2 states: “Today is the day of Salvation.”


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