Our daily manna for champions 2 Dec.2021

Topic:You were on His mind

Basis scripture: Hebrew 12:1-8

When Jesus Christ was going through the suffering that he went through, what was he thinking of?

He was thinking about you. He was thinking about me. Our scripture for today

shows us that for the joy that that was set before Him, He endured the cross and despised the shame.

He did not see you as the sinful twisted person that you may think you are. He saw you as His true child. Someone sang

a song that I love so much “Beautiful; that’s how mercy saw me, not what I was, but what I could be, that’s how mercy saw me” .

God in His love and Grace saw you through the blood of His son. He told himself (paraphrased), “if only I can send

my son to take the place of this precious soul, and He find out that my son died for Him, He will turn to me and become a new person.

it was your future that was on His mind all the while as he hung on that cross! The soldiers (he created them) whipped and teased Him.

Wow! They spats on him and mocked Him saying: “He saved many, now he can’t save himself” But he actually went to the Cross to save many more, including you.

Listen: it was not the nails that hung Him on the cross! it was love! Yes! love where the nails’. The Bible says, “He was like a sheep been led by it’s shearer and was dumb”.

Jesus could not talk! He opened His mouth and gusess what,”father forgive them, For they know not what they do….” love came out of his mouth!

why? Because of you and I !You were on his mind. And as 2021 ends, it’s time for you to trust him again and daily! it is time for you to begin to appreciate his love and sacrifice.

He has done too much for you to fail! His arms are open wide in love and he is

waiting to use your life to show the world that love cannot fail and you cannot end in shame! Amen and amen!

Prayer points:

Take song 3: Amazing grace……..

1. Worship God from the depths of your heart and thank him for his love and his great sacrifice for you on the cross.

2. Love cannot fail! I cannot fail! I scatted every satanic agenda of discouragement as 2021 ends.

3. Pray seriously about the remaining days of 2021. Scatter delay today.

4.Lord your death on the cross cannot be in in vain. I shall testify in Jesus name.

5. pray about today as led.


Also read this….

“Ways To Discover False Teachers”