Kindness In Time Of Tragedy

Kindness in time of tragedy

God designed kindness as a way to comfort others during times of disharmony. Christ understands the cruelty of the world and uses goodness as the means of easing the unremitting suffering sin causes to the human heart. The way people mistreat each other makes it tough to reach out in kindness. But as a Christian, I must try my best to help ease the pains of life.

To be polite is easy because it doesn’t take much effort to say nice words. Kindness is an action requiring personal exertion to reach out in selfless service. Christ takes notice when our actions speak louder than our words. And the more we serve others without expecting a reward God blesses us with His love.

It may appear being kind is pointless in a world riddled with atrocities. Even though the world may reject our good-spirited actions, we need to remind ourselves we are living for Christ and not ourselves. God’s grace has placed us in Christ and when show kindness the Lord is glorified. God is pleased when we stay kind regardless of the way others respond to our goodness.

The tragedies caused by evilness is an invitation for us to reach out in kindness and show others God’s grace. Christ is in us, and He guides to show compassion in times of cruelty by extending our love to others. Embracing others with our kindness comforts the hearts of others and helps heal the human spirit from the wicked acts inflicted by evil doers. Remember, God loves those who cast aside preference for serving His purposes.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you (Ephesians 4:32).

How do you show kindness in times of tragedy?


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