In That Situation You Will Conquer

To Conquer is to have victory or prevail or overcome an enemy or one who seeks to destroy you or your possession. It means to overcome a very challenging situation or circumstance.

In Romans 8:37 it should be noted that the ultimate conquer is Jesus Christ the lamb of God, He is the one who has gone out “conquering and to conquer”.

We are not just struggling to overcome the enemy, let it be settled once and for all that in Christ Jesus, “we are pre – eminently  victorious”.

We are hyper -conquerors and have pre-eminently overcome the enemy. The issue is that there is a raging battle and warfare and

we need to identify the enemy and the contention we are engaging in or that is confronting us.

Wherever the world N”ike”, or “nlkao” is used the enemy is clearly identified and it is a definite victory.

The types of enemies we have:

(1) The devil: the scripture clearly identifies the enemy thus “He who sins, is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning.

For this purpose the son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil” in Revelation 15 verse 2 ;”those

who have the victory over beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass having the harps of God”.

Again for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places.

( 2) sin and oppression; other manifestations of the enemy are sin,death, sickness, wickedness, attacks and destructions. The devil can target a person as he did to Job and afflict him to destroy him.

Jesus call the evil one the “thief,” as he said “the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly”.

When Jesus Christ gives life it is eternal and the surpassingly abundant, when he gives victory, it is surpassing victory .when he heals it is complete all-round wholesomeness.

 “To know Him is to have eternal life and to serve him perfect freedom”.

( 3) self and carnality: suffering, trials, pains, insecurity and the devastations surround us. At every intersection of life we are

confronted by poverty and oppression economically, socially, physically and educating societal norms and morality.

We have not fared better in the church. It seems that increasingly, people are more keen on what they can get than what they can give.

Paul speaking to the elders of the church in Ephesus confronted this same tendency when he said “I have shown you in every way, Buy labouring like this, that you must support the weak.

And remember the words of the lord Jesus, that he said, “it is more blessed to give than to receive”.

The pursuit of selfish gains, greed and self glory and self perpetuation have brought corruption in the handling of the word of God and service to God and God’s people.

“Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart. But have renounced the hidden things

of shame, not working in craftiness not handling the word of God deceitfully, but by

manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God”.

One of the vicious enemy to contend against is the flesh  and alluring of the world. We live

in times in which holiness of life, purity of thought and action and life intentionally dedicated to God is a very rare commodity.

The disconnection between what we say and what we do is so loud that the power of the gospel is beclouded.

God’s ultimate and preeminent victory

once again in this message, Jesus Christ our lord is being lifted up before our own eyes as God’s ultimate and pre-eminent

victory over Satan and his agents and devices, over sin and every corruption, over sickness and operation and affiliations.

In Christ Jesus, we are more than conquerors. Jesus Christ has never changed. God still desires holiness and certified life from his sons and daughters.

We have victory over sin and death in Jesus Christ. And may be a short of victory “I thank God through Jesus Christ our lord”. 

overwhelming victory comes by total commitment to Jesus Christ. Jesus looks into our eyes and says to you and me “if

anyone deserves to come after me, let him or her deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me .

 For whosoever  desires to save his life will lose it, but whosoever loses his life for my sake will be save”.

May we so encounter Jesus Christ in this message that our old man of sin will be crucified and the new Man of righteousness will come alive, so that we shall live in victory.

The strength to live to please God can only come from the Holy Spirit. We can be more than conquerors over The Flesh and the

alluring of word through walking in the spirit. I said then “:walk in the spirit, and you shall not  fulfill  the lust of the flesh.

God’s provision for our victory

Roman 8 is one of the most impactful chapters of the Bible. It lays out the key to true Christian life which is living the new life in Christ by the leading and help of the holy spirit.

All though  trials and sufferings May surround us and sometimes it is as though  the sentence of death is passed on us, in the means of all these, we see the power and victory that God has given us in Jesus Christ.

In Jesus we see Hope and Glory that are internal and transcends this present world. For the sufferings of this present cannot be compared with the glory that shall be revealed  when Jesus shall come.

In addition to this hope of Glory, we see unsearchable love of God. God’s Love demonstrated in Christ is beyond understanding.

The Grace and mercy of God  surpasses all. God chooses to be for us and has not given up on us and therefore  no power can work against us .

 God did not spare his only son but gave him up for us all. He will do anything for us graciously not because we merited it but he love and graciously gives us .

victory through his blood

It could be that the enemy may bring charge and accusations and attacks against us as He did to Jon. Even then God has justified the believer by Christ Jesus.

Christ is our mediator and intercessor, he will speak for us. His blood speaks better than things than the blood of Abel.

Apart from Jesus we are condemnable and stand condemned because of sin.

But because of Jesus who is it that condemns? Jesus Christ died ,Rose up on the third day, he is exalted and he intercedes for us.

He paid the price for our offencese. Justice demands that a man shall not suffer twice for an offence he has been penalized . Jesus paid it All and cancelled our debt and nail them to the cross and triumphed over them.

On the cross, Jesus cried out “it is finished” we have victory through his blood.

We conquer the world and satanic forces .

Paul further  asked who shall separate us from the love of God? shall troubles, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, sword or violence?

These may abound and some of us may be passing through them, let us know that often God allows this to come.

They are not meant to destroy us but to burn off  the chaff in our lives and bring focus on the things that matter with God.

These may very often be part of our calling in following Jesus for we   maybe like lamb counted for the slaughter for the sake of Jesus Christ.

Shall we then turn away from following Jesus because of persecutions, trials and affliction, and hunger? No, refused to surrender to the skin of the devil and worldly powers  and systems.


 In all these things, in the face of these trials and afflictions, we are surpassing victorious. We are more than the Roman emperor and a company territories.

We have all-round victory in Jesus Christ. We have conquered the world and satanic forces. We have victory that brings us into internal life and inheritance. Therefor do not be afraid of those who kill the body but have no power over the soul.

But fear God who will destroy both the body and put the soul in hell fire. Do not fear the principalities and powers of this present darkness. God has provided us with the armour of God to fight against them.

Therefor child of God, take up or put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore …… not be afraid or be troubled concerning death. Jesus Christ died and rose again and shall die no more, even so all who believe in Christ have overwhelming victory over death.

Jesus died and rose again that he shall be Lord over both the living and the Dead. When Jesus shall return in glory and the

sound of the trumpets and believers in Christ shall be raised incorruptible, and  we who are alive shall be changed.

We all shall be raptured. When this corruptible put  incorruption and this Mortal put on immortality, then shall be brought  to

pass the saying that is written:” death is swallowed up in victory.” Oh death, where is your sting, Oh hades  where is your victory”.

An ever-present and substained conquest

Our theme “In every situation you will conquer” means an ever-present and suspend conquest. conquest is not just victory because it goes with subjugation.

To Conquer is to subdue and exercise control and have Dominion. To conquer in that situation we must do the following

1.  we must remain,abide and be rooted in Jesus Christ.

Without him we are nothing and  we can do nothing .Every man who is a conqueror is a man that is glued to Jesus Christ.

King David in Psalms 9  totally hung on the Lord in the face of enemies, attack and devastation. And he said “the Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.

And those who know your name will put their trust in you; for you, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you”.

We see this in Paul that when he came to the end of his life he could see the triumph of the grace of God when he said “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that day, and not to me only but also to all who have love his appearing”.

2.  Abiding in the world of God in the way of prevailing victory.

The word of God is his instrument for nurture, santification and cleansing of our souls for equipment for a very good work for healing and restoration of spirit, and soul and body .

we should read, learn, meditate and inwardly digest the word of goyd and live by its teachings. It is then that our ways shall be prosperous and we say have good success in all we do.

3. The exercise of our faith in jesus christ and His word brings us to victory over the world and it’s alluring.

 Put your faith to action in prayers and challenging times. If you dear trust God he will prove himself faithful on your behalf.

Jesus has already given us everything we need to prevail. Jesus gives you authority of heaven not only to preach the gospel but to demonstrate his power over the issues of life.

 He says to us “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold. I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Nevertheless do not rejoice in is that the spirits are subject to you, but rather enjoy is because your names are written in heaven”. no matter whatever that has troubled us and

our family, or the church,  our nation and the world at large ,upon this mountain God we deal with every  barriers and hindrances.

Burdens are lifted in Christ Jesus.

4. Call upon the name of the Lord.

Upon Mount Zion there shall be Deliverance and holiness, and the tribe of Jacob shall possess their possessions.

whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered and saved. This is the season of recovering of all that the enemy has sought to destroy.

Therefore receive Grace to exercise your faith in Christ and thereby exercise Dominion. Receiveauthority over the powers of the enemy; trample them under your feet.

The God of Peace shall beaten-down satan under our feet. In that situation you will conquer through Christ who strengthen u.


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