How to please your spouse in bed the Godly way

How to please your husband on bed in a godly way
How to please your spouse in bed the Godly way

How to please your spouse in bed the Godly way has to do with one satisfying her husband on bed in total love.Whether you’ve been married 20 days or 20 years, there are always new and exciting ways to wow your husband in bed in a Godly way.

You can always try out new positions, toys, or places to jazz up your sex life. Sometimes, all it takes is a little foreplay! No matter what you try, make sure your husband is happy and willing to try new things. When in doubt, your husband can tell you what you can do to please him in bed. In the end, both you and your husband should enjoy the experience.

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Method 1
Method 1 of 3:
Spicing Up Your Sex Life in a Godly way

Choose new sex positions together. Before you try something new, discuss it with your husband first. Together, look through a sex manual, find positions online, or even watch porn together. Mutually agree on positions that you would both like to try.[1]
If your husband is usually on top, you might give him a break by riding him cowgirl style or taking the dominant position.
Remember, both you and your husband should agree on trying a new position. If either one of you don’t like a particular move, choose a different position.

Stroke or touch his genitals. Don’t be afraid to go down there. Touching, stroking, and kissing his genitals can boost your husband’s satisfaction. If you’re comfortable with it, try giving oral sex to your husband. Remember, he may return the gesture![2]
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Touch different parts of his body. Your husband’s penis is not the only sensitive part of his body. There are many places around your husband’s body that will light up when you touch him. During sex, try exploring these areas:[3]
The V-line from his abdomen to his penis
Lower lip
The Adam’s apple
Lower back

Try role playing if you’re both into it. Role play lets you and your spouse try on different imaginary roles during sex. You might pretend to be a nurse while your husband acts like a patient. Or you might imagine that you’re a fireman who has rescued your husband from a fire. Choose a scenario that you both find sexy.[4]
You can find role play scenarios online if you need ideas.
You can dress up for the roles that you play. For example, if you’re playing a secretary, you might wear a blazer and no shirt.
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Introduce a sex toy if you are both comfortable with it. A vibrator is a great tool to spice up your sex. All genders can use it to stimulate themselves or each other. Other fun toys you might use include:[5]
Edible underwear
Dildo or strap-on

Go somewhere new to have sex. While you might want to impress your husband in bed, it might make things more exciting if you try it somewhere else. You might book a night out at a local hotel. If you can’t leave your house, try being intimate in the shower or in other rooms that aren’t the bedroom, like on the couch in the living room, or even in your car in the garage..[6]
If you have children, it can be hard to get away. Instead of leaving your bedroom, you might try to make your bedroom more exciting. Tidy the room. Light some candles and play some ambient music. Remember to lock the door so that your kids don’t walk in by accident!

Appreciate him afterwards. Your husband wants to feel sexy, too. After you have made love, tell your husband how amazing he was. Specifically mention what you liked and remind him how sexy you find him.[7]
You might say, “You are the sexiest person I know. I loved how you grabbed my hair.”

Method 2
Method 2 of 3:
Arousing Your Husband

Do Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic wall. These exercises can improve sexual performance for all genders. A simple exercise is to identify the muscle that you use when urinate. Contract this muscle for 2 or 3 seconds before releasing. Repeat 10 times daily.[8]

Learn to be comfortable in your own body. Confidence and self-assurance are sexy. If you’re comfortable with your body, you may be more open and involved in sex. Remember that your husband probably thinks you’re the sexiest thing he’s ever seen![9]
Wear clothing that makes you feel sexy and confident. If you think you look good, your husband is sure to agree.
Explore yourself sexually. Take some time to learn what you enjoy in bed, and don’t be afraid to tell your husband. This will make sex more enjoyable for both of you.
If you feel nervous when you’re naked, start examining yourself naked in the mirror when you get ready or take a shower. Make this a daily practice, until you no longer feel shy around your own body.

Talk dirty to your husband to get him in the mood.[10] Lower your voice and make eye contact as you speak. You might say, “Wait until you see what I’m going to do to you tonight” or “I want you so bad.” This will build up your husband’s anticipation.[11]
If he’s still at work, send saucy texts that are safe for work but still full of innuendo. For example, you might send, “I’ve got a little surprise for you tonight. It’s waiting in the bedroom…”

Spice up your wardrobe. Sexy underwear can spark your husband’s interest. It can also make you feel sexier and more confident, which your husband will appreciate. You can save the new underwear for a special night or surprise him when he may not be expecting it. Some suggestions include:[12]
Lacy underwear
A corset
Silk panties/boxers
An open robe
Thongs or tight briefs

Give your husband a sensual massage. If your husband is too tired for sex, a sensual massage is an intimate way to help him relax. Ask him to lie down naked on your bed. Start massaging his temples and caress down his face. Stroke and kiss his neck before working your way down his back. Spend extra time around his navel, lower back, and thighs.[13]

Build up slowly with some foreplay. Dedicating time to foreplay can increase satisfaction from sex. Take up to 30 minutes to explore each other before having sex. You can kiss, cuddle, touch his body, or indulge in some roleplay.[14]
Don’t rush the foreplay. It can help you and your husband bond, which will increase enjoyment for both of you.

Method 3
Method 3 of 3:
Learning What He Likes

Talk to your husband. The best way to learn what will impress your husband is to ask him.[15] You should do this before you have sex. You might say, “Is there anything new you want to try?” You can even suggest new positions and see if he wants to try them.[16]
Your husband may not necessarily want to try something new. Instead, he might want to have sex more often or to spend more time together. Consider what your husband has to say and see if you can both work out a solution.

Ask your husband to write down what he likes if he won’t talk about sex. Have your husband underline passages in a book, write down his fantasies, or suggest videos of things that he might like to try. Encourage your husband to share these with you by telling him you’re open to new ideas in the bedroom.[17]
You might say, “I know it makes you uncomfortable to talk about, but if there’s anything you ever want to try, you can tell me or leave me a note on my dresser.”

Tell your husband what you enjoy during sex.[18] Good sex includes mutual satisfaction. If your husband needs to improve on some aspects, try to avoid nagging or criticizing him. Instead, gently redirect him by telling him what you do like.[19]
For example, you might say, “I love it when you bite my neck.”
If your husband ever tries something that makes you uncomfortable, you have the right to say no. Just say, “I don’t want to do that,” “I’m not in the mood for that.” If something hurts physically, say, “That hurts a little.
