How to get stay close to God Even When Nobody Else Is

Close to God even when nobody else is

Have you ever wondered how to stay strong in your faith when everyone around you seems to be struggling? Nobody is perfect, and it’s normal to stray from the path the Lord has laid out for you every now and then. What matters is how you respond to those challenges. If the people around you are not maintaining their faith, you can still stay strong. Read on to learn more about standing tall and maintaining your relationship with God even when everyone around you is breaking down.

1 Be strong.

A firm foundation with God will help you stay close. Sticking to your religious teachings may be more difficult in middle and high school as peer pressure increases, but you can influence your other friends and classmates who are acting immorally.



2 Say “no.”

Do not give in to peer pressure or outside influences. Suppose that your friends are going to a party to drink. You think to yourself that you will just stay with the people who aren’t drinking and still go and enjoy the party. That is really not something you want to try. You might arrive at the party to find all of your closest friends drinking, and you might think about having a little. Consider whether you want to be in a situation like that.

3 Remember what matters to you.

Little reminders of what you really care about can help. You can pray or have a conversation with God. What would s/he advise you to do in this situation? Sometimes, it will be best to skip the activity altogether. Other times, you will be able to retain your values even when others may be acting immorally. You will have to judge for yourself.

4 Let go of toxic relationships.

Know when to break ties with bad friends and negative influences. Remember that a true friend will respect your decisions. Ask yourself whether what they’re trying to force you to do will permanently compromise your morality. Sometimes, you’ll be better off without your friends as bad influences. Other times, keeping the love and support your friends give will be worth it, even if you sometimes have to say “no” or disagree with them.
Respect their beliefs, and if they are true friends, they will respect yours. Meditate on the matter and decide whether your confused friends will help or hurt you in the long run.


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5 Love yourself.

Be comfortable with who you are and your faith. Even if you’re not the most popular person in school, remember your worth. Some people do not understand the word “no.” Surround yourself with people who respect you and your beliefs and decisions.

6 Keep a reminder of God’s love.

Wear something to remind you that God is always there for you. Even if it’s a little token or a simple necklace, the little memento can really help you stay close to God. This can remind you how important it is to listen to him and remind you to thank God.
Try wearing something like a bracelet or a special ring or necklace.
Try using 7 and/or 3 7s for “God” and “The Trinity” to be mindful of God’s blessing and for faith.

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