How Can Christians Enlighten The World?

To answer this question, let’s briefly rehearse the things that constitutes the Christian as the light of the world.

– it is not simply his creed:

-Not simply his profession:

-Nor is it his profession and creed together:


-Not his sanctimonious appearance on the Sabbath day or Sunday.

– Nor his sitting at the Communion table.

– Nor does his light consist in all these together But,

-His light consist in his temper and spirit.

-In his good works in a most strict regards to the universal law of love. As Christ did,so does the Christian.His life is a commentary upon the law of God.

He is giving continual illustrations in his own temper and spirit and life, of the spirituality, the true intent and meaning of the law of God.

– In his practical and firm opposition to all that is unholy or injurious to the soul or

bodies of men, and in the manifestation of his undying attachment,to whatever is holy, lovely and of good report.

* Not by conforming to whatever is wrong in their tempers,views or practices not by any direct or indirect connivance at their sin, worldly mindedness,or whatever is the result of there darkness.


*Not by any compromise of principle or by conciliating their favour,by keeping out of view the points of difference between

themselves and sinners.some professors of religiou seem disposed to avoid all controversy with impentinent men,to lessen as far as possible the differences of

opinion,and views, and practices between themselves and sinners.They seems to think that the true way to enlighten them is by falling in with them as far as possible and by

conforming in a great measures to their customs, views, business practices,and almost everything else. Now this is as far as possible From the true philosophy of

enlightening the is as if you attempted to clear the eye- sight of your neighbor by putting out your own is like attempting to pull the mote out of your

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Obidence Brings Glory

“Tomorrow Shall Come With Joy”

neighbor’s eyes, not by plucking the beam out of your own eye ,but filling your own eye both with beams and motes.lf you wish to

convince a man that he is in the dark, you must hold up your own light,in contrast with his darkness.if he can see your light ,it will discover his own darkness.


* Christians can nerver enlighten the world by anything that will impoy that they lay but little practical stress upon the point of

difference between them and is in vain to attempt to enlighten the world by any course of conduct that is calculated to make

the impression that the real difference between saints and sinners lies merely or mostly in opinion,if after all the practices of

Christians are such as demonstrate that their opinion have very little to do with practice. But


* Christians can enlighten the world by holding up the light of their own examples on all subjects in strong and constant contrast with the example of the ungodly.


* They can enlighten the world by a patient and firm perseverance in well doing,in spite of all the opposition of earth and he’ll. To

what a wonderful extent did the Appostles and primitive Christians succeed in enlightening the world.This was a thing of course.


Theirlives were a perpetual light, dissipating the moral darkness around them.They did not hold forth a flickering, waving,and


uncertain light.It was clear,steady,pure,and had well-nigh banished darkness from the earth.ln our text christ says,” let your light so


shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven.” ” So shine.”How? By exhibiting our good works in contrast with their evil work,and that continually.


*By exhibiting our self- denial,in contrast with their self-indulgence,and that continually.


* By exhibiting our heavenly mindedness, in contrast with their worldly mindedness.


* By showing that our conversation is on heaven,in contrast with their showing that their conversation is of earth.


* By showing that their treasure is in heaven, in contrast with their showing that their treasure is on earth.


* By showing our conformity to correct principles,in contrast with their disregard of them.


* By showing our conformity to the laws of our being,in contrast with their shameless violations of them.

* By manifesting our faith in Christ,in contrast with their unbelief.

* By manifesting our sweet submission to all the providential dealings of God,in contrast with their restlessness and rebellion agaoHos providence.


* By holding up on every subjects and in every way, both by precept and example,the

light of truth in opposition to their darkness.ln these and in similar ways can Christians enlighten the world.


But by blinding the light,by making any compromise,by frittering away the points of

difference,by going one hair’s breadth aside from the love of truth, for the sake of conciliating their favour,they will not,and nerver can enlighten the world.
