God’s motherly love

Human relationships are tender.  mother and child relationship is most tender. It was such a relationship that brought Mary, Jesus mother to the foot of the cross why he was being crucified.

The tender affection in this piois woman’s heart was pierced with Jesus sufferance.

When Jesus was deserted by his disciples, Mary, her mother continued to attend to her child, not deterred by the folly of the enemies nor the horror of the site.

she could not relieve  him of his pains, yet she attended to him . we can imagine the affliction these would have caused this special woman who bore the special child.

In the words of Simon, sorrow like a sharp sword broke her heart (luke 2: 25). His torment were her tortures and her heart bled with the ones.

This is a little description of a relationship motivated by motherly love and care. We often talk about God’s fatherly love and care, describing God’s Love in a masculine well.

Yes, the scriptures often present God as our heavenly father. In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus asked us to pray to our father in heaven. But I am persuaded to recognise God’s motherly love and care.

Mothers are the epitome of love and care and they reflect God’s unfailing, unquenchable and absolutely love for his children.

Every child is special to its mother.  No through mother reject any of her children. When the child is recalcitrant,it is never her wish for her child to be lost in evil but to be transformed.

Today’s mother  makes  many sacrifice for her children. She wants to be sure that her daughter is  happily married to the right husband.

She wants her child to be healthy and well-educated. The sacrifice of a mother for her child may be far exceed those of the father.

Secretly some mothers save some money without the father’s knowledge for the child’s emergencies.

Most influential men today are what they are through their mothers. Although mother’s show great love and care, yet most of them are forced by circumstances to break the tender relationship between them and their children.

Some have abandoned their matrimonial homes leaving behind their tender children and damning the consequences of this attitude on the children she had born.

Some carelessly abandon them.

I will call her the Anglican Youth fellowship (AYF) conference child. This incident occurred at the end of this conference .

On the Sunday morning around 9:00 after the celebration of morning Eucharist the cry of an abandoned baby was held .

She had rashes  and wounds all over her body and was wrapped in dirty clothes. it was her helpless cry that attracted people’s attention.

She was about 3 months old. We had just rounded off the conference.  many people from different dioceses were awaiting outside the church for their transport.

Her mother must have abandoned her because she could not cater for her again. It was my first time to witness the picking up of an abandoned child.

It was only God’s world through Isaiah that quioetened my wondering mind then:

Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has born? Though she  may forget,I will not forget you (Isaiah 49 verse 15).

God’s love and care is greater than mother’s love and care. We can understand this when we first evaluate mother’s care and then allow for an extension to all people, the care of a truly loving and caring a mother.

Unlike some mothers, no circumstances can ever make God to abandon his child. Mother is mortal and fallible but God is inmortal and infallible.

He is absolute. Mother  in a state of stress can abandoned her children. Some frustration in life can lead to temporary or permanent abandonment of some children by their mothers .

God is by far greater than our mother’s. He has never and will never abandon his children.

God’s people are like babies before him and need his undivided tender care attention and affection. This he does  perfectly well when we obey him.

He feed a us with the best of milk according to our need and carries us in His hands.

How does God make his people realise he always remembers them?

This is expressing in (Isaiah 49 verse 16); see I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are forever before me.

This statement alludes to the practice of those who tie a string on their hands or finger to remind them of things which they

might forget (Deuteronomy 6:8 ) or to the wearing of a signet ring or lockett or the tattooing of the skin in remembrance of some there one.

Its reviews God as having set his children as a seal in his heart and so he is mindful of them and their welfare. There is a definite plan by God for each of his children, to build up his walls.

Are you a baby in God’s arms? then know that he will always fill you with his wonders.  God has the whole world in His hands. But some people have rejected his lordship.

They have rejected his wonderful, excellent and divine offer of life in Christ Jesus.  Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15 verse 13).

God’s Love is a sinking love in this love he comes to use in Christ Jesus as a friend calling us to enjoy his wonders. He came as a friend and savior to the world.

He hasn’t incarnate in humility and lowly estate and not in pump and exaltation . he showed us love and taught Love by dying for his friends – even when they did not know him.

 His death was a Ransom for our sins and all those who believed in him appropriate these blessings and become God’s children. And nothing is abll to separate us from his love (Romans 8: 35-37).

God does not leave us as orphans. This promise Jesus expressly declared to his disciples before his death; I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you (John 14 verse 18).

People become orphans at the death of their parents. If children become orphans at a very tender age it is very likely that insufficient arrangements, if any had been made for their upbringing even when their parents were well-to-do.

Orphans had been object of Love by their parents but this  bliss was terminated by death. Some of such children from this

tender age become exposed to poverty sickness and suffering especially when those around them adopt a nonchalant attitude towards them.

Thelma was a victim of early parental death. In her 18th month,how loving and caring parents died of tuberculosis leaving her and her older sister flora (seven years) and brother, Herbert (8 years).

Who will care for these orphans? God had the answer. Thelma,though sickly did not die. God cared for her through people who made her experience God’s motherly care and love.

 she developed a strong faith in God and is ever willing to share the story of the gospel with anyone who cared.

 she wrote her autobiography in the book Thelma; a child of God. Recapitulating her experience of God’s presence with her, she

wrote, thelma was so very  ill but God  remind all faithful still, from orphan house and hospital; and prayer, faith and love will yet prevail….

The palmist stated the same thing but; though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me (palms 27:10).

God sent his Angels over the little ones. (Matthew 18 :10) at times we may find ourselves suffering, but this does not mean that God has forsaken us.

Most of our sufferings are birth pangs to internal Glory. Jesus cancelled his disciples concerning the grief he would experience during his passion and death.

A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come! but when the baby is born she forgets her anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world (John 16 verse 21).

Jesus did not leave his disciples in their suffering. Just asked he promised, he was with them in the power of the holy spirit. They were not left as orphans.

Our earthly parents are mortal; they die and leave us. But God is immortal, he never dies. We are never abandoned by him.

God is able. He is faithful. He is loving and caring, more than a mother. He is worthy to be trusted. Children of God should therefore cast their anxieties upon God for he cares about them.

God is never tired of caring for any of his children . God’s kill is expressed in various wonderful work that his people experience as they pass through various flexible and unpleasant situations in Life.

The ever presence of God at every situation is an expression of his wonderful care and love for His children.


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