Faith And Humility Rewarded

Faith and humility rewarded

In the present day society, overconfidence seems to be much more popular than humility. The present-day society celebrates entitlement, overconfidence, an idea of focusing on the self.

Because of this, people are more and more competitive, obsessed with their appearance, narcissistic and so on.
A lack of humility actually does more harm than good. Humility is not about pleasing other people or putting yourself down. The art of being a humble and kind person is about becoming a more harmonious individual. As said above, humility is not only thinking of yourself less.
To put it simply, a humble person is a person with a calm sense of self-mastery. Such a person knows what he/she can do well and what they are bad at. What is an essential trait of a humble person is that he or she never seeks praise or confirmation from others?
True humility is often caused by selflessness. Humility is considered a virtue both by theologians and psychologists. You might hear that being humble, calm, kind is
the “right thing to do”, however, it is not always clear why. If this doesn’t convince you, consider the fact that not only confidence but humility can help you get ahead in your life.

Jesus christ did not perform miracles just for the fun of it. Neither did He do them in order to draw undue attention to Himself.

All His miracles where borne out of deep love and compassion for suffering mankind. Every miracle had a spiritual import or message to convey.

In matthew 8 verse 1 to 13, the healing of the man with leprosy, two factors combine to bring about the miracle.

In the first place, the leper defied the social ostracism to which he had been subjected. In coming to jesus christ it did not matter to him what the society thought of him.

He was in a desperate situation and there was only one person who had the power to change his destiny. Nothing would stop Him!

when a person does the extraordinary to seek jesus,  jesus will also do the extra ordinary to meet him at the point of his need. 

In jesus day, anyone who had the physical contact with a leeper become defiled himself. But the great healer was ready to defile this taboo in order to bring joy to the dawn -trodden.

The compassion and power of christ is just the same today and is available to you if only you can come to Him now just as you are !

In the second place,  the Roman officer (the centurion) by virtue of his birth and nationality, was a stranger to the commonwealth of israel.

However, on account of his high social status, he was a man to reckon with. He desired healing for  his servant who was very ill .

 And as he came to jesus,  he demonstrated both faith and humility. He recorganised who jesus was and what he could do – something most jewish religious leaders were too proud to acknowledge.

Again he did not allow arrogance,  wealth, national pride, power, distance and time, to prevent him from coming to jesus.

As a matter of fact, his exalted position only helped him to acknowledge all the more,  “the superiority” of jesus christ Himself and thus profess his own unworthiness.

Such faith and humility can never go unrewarded. This man’s  genuine faith  must serve as a worthy example even to those of us who have been longtime christains.

what barriers  are blocking you  now from coming to jesus – your money, social status, prejudice, former disappointment or apparently unanswered prayers?

Break these barriers for jesus himself bids you come and he will in no wise reject you.

Will you do it now?


Lord jesus, i thank you for the assurance of your overflowing love and grace which shows no discrimination.  Help me never to  spurn your invitation that bids me come to you to find rest unto my soul. Amen


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