Eyes on purpose

โ€œAnd thou shalt smite the house of Ahab thy master, that I may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the LORD, at the hand of Jezebel.โ€ (2 Kings 9: 7)

That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional today.

It is instructive to observe that immediately after Jehu was anointed as king, the trainee prophet that performed the assignment gave him his first assignment as king. So this was not an elevation that Jehu had time to celebrate. This was an elevation that came with an assignment. This was an elevation that came with a burden from heaven. Jehuโ€™s relevance suddenly increased, but his assignment also increased.

Friend, whatever elevation that heaven causes to come your way is for an assignment. Every increase in relevance is for an assignment. Every promotion that God grants you is for a heavenly purpose. Every increase in your finances is meant to serve a divine purpose. Every increase in relevance and influence is meant to fit into a plan in heavenโ€™s goal. If God has caused you to rise, your rising is a part of His own agenda to achieve a purpose.

As you rise to your new levels, be discerning enough to know why heaven brought you there. Open the eyes of your understanding to see why heaven brought you to the throne. Open your eyes of understanding to know why heaven opened that new door for you. Ask God to show you the purpose for your rising. Ask God to show you the essence of your promotion. Ask heaven to show you the assignment on that your new level.

Jehu was not supposed to rise and stop fighting the battles that made him a captain. He was meant to now be the team lead in Israelโ€™s battles. His relevance on a higher level came with higher responsibilities. Any relevance without a continuous assignment is a show off. Any relevance that makes your assignment irrelevant is a destiny trap from the enemy, and it will take you down sooner than later. Your relevance is for an assignment.

No matter what happens, never abandon your assignment. Keep your eyes on the purpose why God raised you.

John 9: 4 says: โ€œI must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.โ€

Declare With Me: I keep my eyes on purpose; I will not lose my assignment, in Jesusโ€™ name!


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