Christian Communication Principles

Christian Communication Principles
Christian Communication Principles

Christian communication Principles has to do with the  rules and regulations guiding christian communication.Situations can cause us to become hurt, angry, or upset. When we least expect it, tempers flare, or disappointments occur because the enemy is always busy. Many people believe it is perfectly reasonable to “unleash” and let others know exactly how you feel, but what does God consider  communication for Christians? Whether we are at work, home, or church, we should want to bring God glory and honor at all times.

There are four principles of  Christian communication, and what we see from others may be very different from what God commands.

Principles of  Christian Communication

As a mother , I teach my children how to speak and express themselves clearly. As a Christian, I must be willing to be a student to learn what God says about how I should express myself.

Whether at home or work, the Bible teaches us what God considers  communication for Christians.

Words can build up or tear down. Our communication can make a situation better or, indeed, make it worse.

The Bible tells us that we should be mindful of the power of our words at all times as death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21 KJV)

Christian communication
Four principles should govern our communication as Christians. Whether we are writing or speaking, as Christians, we

want to glorify God and to bless others when we speak. If we are conscious of these four principles, we will honor God and others with our words.

1.  Christian Communication Involves Monitoring What is Said

 communication includes monitoring what is said, and the first principle should consist of truth.

In this day and age, the world fights over the definition of a simple word like “truth.” For many, truth depends on which news station we listen to, how we “feel,” or what we

“think.” People have begun to say things like “my truth,” as if truth ebbs, flows, and changes for each of us. For a Christian,

there should only be one truth, and that is God and his Word. God is truth, and what His Word says is true.

As children, we learned the ten commandments, and we know the one that says not to bear false witness.

We know that we are to love one another, and loving each other does not include lying to each other.

The Bible is clear that our communication should be truthful. Why have we stepped away from this simple truth?

Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.
Ephesians 4:5 ESV

2.  Christian Communication Entails Being Mindful of the Emotions or Feelings Behind Our Spoken Words
We have all been guilty of speaking too

quickly and possibly saying something that we wish we hadn’t said. It can feel as if we can see the words leave our lips and immediately wish we could retract them and put them back.

When we let the words fly out without being mindful of our emotions or feelings, we may say something we wish we hadn’t. God does not want us to live with regret, so he

reminds us to take our time and think about what we will say before we speak it. The emotion we should feel when we speak is love, and if we do not, we may need God’s help.

Quick to hear, slow to anger James 1:19 ESV
speak is love

We are reminded not to speak in haste (James 1:19), not to be rash (Proverbs 12:18), speak in anger, or give full vent (Proverbs 29:11).

Instead, as Christians, we are told to be wise, gentle, kind, and ponder how to answer.

The Bible states that we will have to answer every careless word spoken (Matthew 12:36). If we are upset, it may be better to walk away and pray rather than risk saying something we can not take back.

3.  Christian Communication Requires Us To Examine Our Tone Of Voice
As adults, we often chastise our children for “how they talk to us.” In other words, we get

upsetwith our children if they use a disrespectful tone of voice. I know that I probably sound just like my mother when I hear myself say to my teenage girls, “watch

your tone, young lady.” I am sure everyone with adolescent girls can relate. We must remember to watch our tone when we communicate with others. The Bible says that we should speak the truth in love.

Let your speech always be gracious seasoned with salt Colossians 4:6 ESV

As Christians, we should pursue peace and mutual upbuilding (Romans 14:19). The Bible tells us that our speech should be gracious, which means we should exhibit kindness and courtesy.

If our words are careless, they can be like pouring gasoline on a burning fire. If we choose what to say wisely, it can be as if we are seasoning what we say, and therefore

what we say can be more easily “digested.” The Bible reminds us to use a gentle tongue, a soft answer, encouraging and avoiding quarreling.

To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.

Titus 3:2 ESV
4.  Christian Communication Mandates Checking The Motivation Behind Our Words:
We should always examine the motivation behind our words to make sure that we are not falling into sin.

For example, if tempted to exaggerate a truth, we must quickly realize and deal with why we want to tell an untruth. Perhaps we are trying to impress someone or make ourselves look good.

Oh that you would be silent Job 13:5 ESV
The enemy knows that the power of our words, and he would love it if we become prideful, gossip, speak untruths, brag, or judge others.

Our Heavenly Father does not want us to do any of these because He wants us to love each other and not hurt others. There are times that we would be wise to “hold our peace.”

Therefore whether we are at work, home, or church, our communication should indicate that we are children of God.

We should want to bring God glory and honor at all times. If we lose our temper and use hurtful or obscene communication toward others, we will not be glorifying God.

The Bible tells us that we will get angry sometimes, but we should not sin, and we should not remain mad. Let’s pray and ask God to help us learn to communicate effectively as Christians.


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