Does manifestation go against God?

“Does manifestation go against God” refers to the question of whether the concept of manifestation, which is a popular idea in New Age spirituality, is incompatible with the beliefs and teachings of organized religion, particularly Christianity.

Manifestation is the process of bringing one’s thoughts, desires, and intentions into physical reality through positive thinking and visualization. The basic idea behind manifestation is that the universe is abundant and responsive, and that by focusing one’s thoughts and energy on what they want, they can attract it into their lives.

Many people who practice manifestation believe that they are in control of their own reality, and that they can create the life they want by focusing their thoughts and energy in a positive direction. This idea is often seen as conflicting with the beliefs of organized religion, which teaches that God, not the individual, is in control of the world and our lives.

In Christianity, for example, it is believed that God has a plan for each person’s life and that it is not up to the individual to determine their own fate. Some Christians see manifestation as a form of self-worship or idolatry, as it places the focus on the individual and their own desires rather than on God and His will.

Additionally, some religious teachings view the concept of manifestation as being at odds with the idea of humility and selflessness. Manifestation is often seen as promoting a self-centered attitude, where the focus is on one’s own wants and desires, rather than on serving others and following God’s will.

However, it is important to note that manifestation is not necessarily incompatible with religious beliefs. Many people who practice manifestation also have strong spiritual beliefs and see manifestation as a way to align their thoughts and energy with their spiritual values and goals.

For example, a person who practices manifestation and also has a strong Christian faith might believe that they are manifesting God’s will for their life by focusing on positive thoughts and intentions. They might see manifestation as a way to bring their beliefs and values into physical reality and live a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

In conclusion, the question of whether manifestation goes against God is a matter of personal interpretation and belief. Some people view manifestation as incompatible with their religious beliefs, while others see it as a complementary tool for living a more spiritual and purposeful life. Ultimately, the relationship between manifestation and religion will depend on the individual’s beliefs, values, and personal experiences.
