Diocese Of Aba Ngwa North (Anglican Communion) Finance And Central Service A.G.m

Mama Aba Ngwa North

We are in an era when the fast pace of life divides our attention among worthwhile activities, it can become increasingly challenging to set things aside to focus on the highest calling in life.

“You shall love the Lord . . . This is the first and great commandment.” (Matthew 22:37–38)

When so many people are searching for their calling and destiny in life, the Bible makes it clear that the calling of every believer is to love.

However, the love Jesus taught about is not just focused on the believer’s emotions. It is love that is walked out in wholehearted obedience and devotion to our King through living out Jesus’ instructions, for example, His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7).

“If you love Me, keep My commandments . . . He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me . . . If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word.” (John 14:15–23)

The Holy Spirit is restoring the first and great commandment to first place in the Body of Christ. He is calling us to our destiny to live in intimate relationship with God, knowing the depth and delight of loving and being loved by Jesus our Bridegroom King. No matter how weak or strong you feel, and regardless of your past or your personality, you can be ablaze with passion for Jesus.

Only by the power of the Spirit can we be supernaturally empowered to love God.

The love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:5)

His power enables us to live faithful lives, choosing to love Him fully with all that we are and all that we have. Even amidst family, ministry, and daily demands, it is still possible to grow in love for Jesus in every area of life through His strength.


Rev. Uzoma Atuzogu

The book of 2nd Timothy is believed to have been written after Paul’s release from prison in Rome in Ad 62/63 and after his fourth missionary journey. In his imprisonment, he lived in rented house and had some liberties but during the regime of emperor Nero C 66-67 he was chained and thrown into a cold Dungeon like a common criminal and he hardly see friends and brethren. This condition sent a signal to him that his ministry was coming to an end and he became concerned about the continuity of the ministry and what becomes of the church after his dismiss. This concern led him to write to his son Timothy and urged him to come quickly to see him.

During this period, he was lonely, no companion as Demas and others had deserted him . paul was more concerned because of the false teachers and their heresis  that we are springing up in the church and had to admonish this young minister to guard the gospel with the truth.

This massage is very relevant to us as it touches on the life of a believers, time we are in, last days and more importantly in the face of many wrong teachings that abound in our time.

Let us look critically on the man;DEMAS.  In comparison with the contemporary society.

(forsaken Paul, having loved this present world and has departed for…..)

 -Demas was with the apostle in the first imprisonment and join in the salutations (Colossians 4 verse 14). That is to say that he had at one time been one of Paul’s fellow workers in the gospel ministry.

-Demas  abandoned Paul in a time of need. The apostle was in prison, facing a death sentence. He quit when the going got tough.

-Demas  choose the correct value system of the unsaved world over what heaven values. His actions showed that he had a wrong and falsely assumption ideology and philosophy  that Satan has something better to offer in this life than what God has to offer in the world to come.

-Demas has experienced a spiritual breakdown. His spiritual and godly  antenna got disconnected.

-Demas  lost the heavenly vision and focus (John 6 verse 27 to 29)

-His love for the ministry (kingdom business) grew old (Matthew 24 verse 12)

-He was totally enticed by what is written in (1John 2 verse 15 -17).

A.The Lost Of The Flash:(sensual and impure  desire which seek their gratification in women, strong drink, delicious food, and the like.)

B.The Lust Of The Eyes:inordinate desire after finery of every kind of splendid houses, superb furniture, expensive outfits and outward decoration or dress of all sorts.

C.The Pride Of Life:Hunting after honors, titles, boosting of ancestry, family connections, great office honorable acquaintance and the like.

To digest the whole essence of this exposition, we must look at this question and allow the spirit of the most high God speak to us through the following scriptural passages.

The question:

How can I increase in love for God?.

1. Psalm 1:1-3

-Do not work in the counsel of the ungodly

-do not stand in the parts of sinners

-do not sit in the seat of scornful

(where you get your council can make or mere your godly spiritual antenna). If you get your counsel from the godly source as it is recorded in verse 2 of that psalm  chapter 1, then you will get the results which are laid down in vs 3,    that is to say that you will be stable, have inward  nourishment and refreshment,  fruitful and productive as well as being successful.

2. Proverbs 27 vs 17; Iron sharpens Iron

(As a mentor, what kind of advice do you give? and as mentoree what kind of advice do you receive)

3.Hebrews 10:25;Acts 2:42-47

(Regular attendance to Church services, fellowship, meetings, retreat as we assemble together, will encourage and exhort one another)

4. Colossians 3:23-24  have that consciousness that God Almighty will reward you and not man, there for whatever you do, do it heartily as to the lord and not to man.

I want to state here that whatever you do financially and otherwise to promote the kingdom business is investment and not expenditure. if it is time it is time invested and not time wasted, and  if it is money it is money invested and not money spend. you can read the following..(Gal 6:9, Matt 6:19-20,25:34-40).

5. Joshua 1:8

study the word of God, meditate in it…. observe to do according to…..( walk the talk) 2nd Timothy 2 verse 15 to 18.

6. 1Thess 5:17, Jer. 33:3,Dan 2:16-19; through prayer Hebrews 4 verse 16 “let us therefore come boldly to the throne of Grace that we may obtain mercy and find Grace to help in Time of need” remember the more you pray sincerely, the more you connect Grace which flows from the throne of Grace that will help you in this heavenly race.


Paul was a man of undying love, unwavering faith and tenacious. He saw life as  a race to be won, a battle to be fought and a trust to be kept before one receives the crown. He poured his life into his son Timothy and also charged him to carry out the assignment of proclaiming the gospel and finishing the race as He (Paul) finished his course and won the prize.



Lady Mgbaraine

The theme and  sub rheme of today’s meeting clarifies and assures us that the only people who makes stronger, greater or extremely good and deep tender  feeling and have a strong affection for God can firmly stand and claim that “it is mine, I must keep it” and we hold it, so that no one will take their crown from them.

From the passage, there are two attributes Christians should take heed of:- being steadfast and maintaining your integrity and falling apart, tossing and turning (positive and negative). In the passage, we notice how apostle Paul commands Mark who grew from weakness to strength, Rose from where he was falling to Daily increasing in his love and devotion to God verse 11. This year’s sub-theme  “increase your love for God” is a timely one and it calls and demands for every Christian to examine our lives and call ourselves to order. Are you one of the  labourers and the faith that has deserted because of the things of the world? offended by the authorities by not compromising or not appreciated for what you have done in the past or not visited when you are sick? Ask God to help you turn from loving the world to loving him with all your heart .

 Is your priest’s wife,  vice president, supervisor’s wife, enrolling member and other church authorities lamenting deeply How You deserted them and the ministry of God has committed into your hands like apostle Paul in the passage? Repent and ask for God’s grace to be focused and not to be distracted by worldly cares . Only increase your love and Faith for him as requested by Jesus to his disciples in Luke 17 verse 5.

My prayer to God today is that His holy spirit shall overwhelmed all that has deserted and decreased their love for God through the exposition of this theme and deliberation in this meeting in Jesus mighty name Amen….

Remember that our Chief shepherd shall appear to reward us with a crown of Glory. Strive to wear this crown .



The president of Women Ministry Diocese of Aba Ngwa North (Anglican Communion) Princess (Mrs) Odionyenfe Kanu lamented on the need to Understand that whatever you feed will grow. If you feed a plant, it will grow—but if you don’t feed it, it dies. What does this have to do with loving God?

If we feed our flesh (body) with whatever it craves, it will get stronger. Of course, physical starvation isn’t what we’re talking about here, but when our body wants something and we say “yes,” it will want more. If we constantly entertain ourselves, we will want more entertainment. If we continually give ourselves whatever food we desire, our body will crave even more food.

But if we feed our spirit, our spirit will get stronger, and that’s what we want. If we want to love God more deeply, we must change our appetite, and we do that by feeding our spirit the Word of God, praying more, giving more time and money to God, and attending church more, just to name a few. When we choose to read our Bible and pray rather than watch a television show, we are feeding our spirit and starving our flesh, and over time, our love for God will increase.

Mama Aba Ngwa North


Loving God more doesn’t just happen all by itself. If we want to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, then we have to do our part – we have to feed and strengthen our spirit by studying the Bible, talking to God regularly, freely forgiving others, denying our self and our way, and rejecting worldliness.

1. A time like this, God looks for men
Worthy vessels, that He will use
To accomplish, His great purpose
And make His Kingdom widely known

Lord here am I, myself I give
My talent, time, silver and gold
Father use me, to build Your Church
To show Your praise among all men

2. A time like this, Lord help me hear
Your thundering voice and do obey
Where some may fail others abscond
Lord help me stand whatever the cost

3. A time like this, a warfare time
When champions rise and fall in tears
Satan fights his final battles
Making the race so tough to run

4. A time like this, Lord fix my eyes
On thee alone, lest I should fall
Living for thee, Father of love
Until I end my journey home.


Also read this….

Reprioritize: Developing Apostolic Priorities (2 Timothy 1:1-7

Do Not Be Ashamed of Our Faith (2 Timothy 1:8-14)