Diocese of Aba Ngwa North (Anglican Communion) 2022 Workers Wives Retreat

Mama Aba Ngwa North I

it is obvious that understanding God’s purpose for your life and ministry is relevant in your ministry, particularly to its performance.

Theme: “Thoroughly Equipped For The Work Of The Ministry”.

Text: 2 Timothy 3:17, Ephesians 4:12


Equipping and developing others is one of the most important activities a leader can pursue.

 God did not give the church leaders to do the work of the ministry alone, rather he gave the church leaders to equip others to do the work of ministry.

To be thoroughly  equipped means to be completely and perfectly furnished, prepared adequately, sufficient empowered and energized.

 In our text, Paul’s concern was that Timothy  his son in The Lord be thoroughly equipped, so as to be effective and efficient in ministry.

Looking at the ministry of Jesus Christ earlier, he chose the twelve not just to send them out for preaching but that they should first be with him for thorough preparation.


Text: 2 Timothy 4:1-5

Introduction:2nd Timothy 4 is the conclusion of Paul’s instructions to Timothy and as such of great importance as his final charge to Timothy. 

Their is agency in this final letter of Paul to Timothy which exhorts him (Timothy) to maintain fidelity, resoluteness,

resourcefulness, resolve, faithfulness and endurance in his Christian service in the fast-rising and fast approaching  apostasy  even in the church.

Every man or woman called to the ministry should constantly see to it that he is measuring up to the standards regulating his is call.

Every minister must ensure that he makes “full Proof” of his ministry rather than a “partial proof” or “no proof” at all in his ministry.

 what is ministry?

Ministry is the pursuit of vision.it is this the pursuit of divine assignment. It is working out the divine plans and purpose.

In order words, working for God is called “ministry” .

In 2nd Kings 10:30a, the lord said to jehu, “because you have done well in accomplishing what is right in my eyes and have done to the house of Ahab all I had in mind to do”.

jehu fulfilled divine  assignment or divine plan for his life and God was pleased.  ministry is not limited to the pulpit; it covers every facet of human endeavour.

When you have assignments and pursue it, you have a ministry. It is of utmost importance that you make full proof of the ministry.

It is very important also that you complete any assignments the Lord gives you on this  earth.

 making full proof of your ministry

To make full proof of your ministry refers to

1.  To give a full account of your calling. Did God call you? prove it or account for it .

2. To to provide sufficient evidence to the world that you did not call or send yourself. prove his evidence. provides sufficient evidence to men that you did not send yourself.

3.To justify your abandonment of other pursuits of Life. To make full proof of ministry is to justify the reason why you left your profession to preach the gospel .

 it is to justify why you decided to abandon your career and other to preach the gospel.

The nine imperatives from 2nd Timothy 4 verse 1 -5 of making full proof of your ministry.

1.  Preach the word( 2nd Corinthians 2 verse 17, 2nd Corinthians 4 verse 5, 2nd Timothy 2 verse 15, 2nd Timothy 2 verse 24, 2nd Timothy 3 verse 16)

2. Be ready…. in season and Out of season; The servant of God must always be ready (ecclesiastics 11:verse 6)

3.Reproof (2nd Timothy 3:16 ).

4. Rebuke (Jude 1 verse 9, Matthew 17 verse 18 ,Ezekiel 13 verse 18,)

5.Exhort( 1 Timothy 5 verse 11).

6. With long sufferings and doctrines (1st Timothy 1 verse 16, 2nd Timothy 3 verse 10).

7. But watch thou in all things (Proverbs 27 verse 24, 4-11, 1st Peter 5 verse 2, Matthew 26 verse 41).

8. Endure hardship (2nd Timothy 2 verse 3 -12, 2nd Timothy 3 verse 10 to 12).

9. Do the work of an evangelist.

Basic truth in making full proof your ministry

1.knowledge of the master -(Philippians 3 verse 10; mark 3 verse 13 and 14, Psalms 91 verse 10 and 11)

2. Faithfulness (1st Corinthians 4 verse 1 and 2)

3. Availability (Matthew 16 verse 24)

4. courageousness

5. Deceptiveness

6. Absolute obedience to God

7  .people

8.  perseverance

9. prayer


it is obvious it is obvious that understanding God’s purpose for your life and ministry is relevant in your ministry, particularly to its fulfillment.

We must from today rise up from any slumber and regain any lost ground, working out our salvation to strengthen your ministry.

Having been so called, and the call having been confirmed by the church, we should from time continuingly ensure to make a full of that ministry.

Make an honest check on yourself whether or not you are fulfilling your ministry. Remember that God holds you responsible for that might be, if you will improve your talent or special abilities.

Talk 2: Desiring more of God Psalms 42: 1 and 2, Proverbs 2: verse 1 to 5, Jeremiah 29 verse 3 to 4, Hebrews 12 verse 1 – 3)

Evangelist Mrs Nwokoedi Chinenye


All through the scriptures, all those who became anything tangible in the hands of God and in his service placed an intense

emphasis of a personal, intimate and functional knowledge of God above all their effort in life and ministry.

Several of them were extremely busy people yet they spent time with God enough to know him and for him to know their men and women like David, Abraham, Esther,Ruth, Paul, Mary etc.

They never came to a point when they assumed that they have arrived or have known it all.

One thing kept them on the pathway of greatness and that was their desire for God.

We pray that God will cause us and help us as workers wives on stage now to  develop more desire from God in our time in Jesus name.

Definition of terms

Desiring : A strong intense feeling of wanting to have something, a craving, a longing, converting for, hunger for, panting for, thirsty for, who? God.

A perpetual hunger for God. And intense and earnest longing for God.

why should we desire more of God

1. The changing nature of our responsibilities .

2. Regular updates

who should desire man of God

1. All who went to finish the race

2. All who want to make impact

3. If we must not be set aside .

Means of knowing Him 

1. An  encounter with Jesus

2.  Prayers or word of God

3.  effective quiet time

4.  consecrated Life

5. Fasting

6. prompt obedience

7. strong personal altar.

8. correct followship and friendship.

 Hindrances to our desiing more of God

1. simple life or hypocrisy or pretence (Matthew 27 verse 3-5, Ruth 1:3 to 14)

2.  Inability to endure or wait on God to provide our needs( Genesis 25 verse 32 to 34, Hebrews 12 verse 16 to 17).

3. Wrong desires or heart condition (Matthew 6:33, 2nd Kings 5 verse 16 to 27).

4.  love of the world and things in the world (2nd Timothy 4 verse 10).


Beloved for us to know God and possess God, there must be an intense desire, consecration, serious heart consecration above the matter of service.

He will not throw precious things to swine that will trample on it. May the lord help us like Paul to count so many things as lost so we can pursue after him with all our hearts.

Retreat prayer

Almighty and most merciful father, we  will give thanks and praise for your grace and favour upon our lives, the church, our ministry and especially upon our diocese.

We  thank you for giving us another opportunity to be in this retreat and pray for your continued presence, guidance, blessings and protections.

 Lord of power and might, who throgh the unity of the father, son and holy spirit has called to thy service, enable us to be steadfast in faith and holy living.

Grant also that we may be thoroughly equipped for the work of the ministry in thy church through Jesus Christ our lord ……Amen.


Mama Aba Ngwa North’s closing remark

The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it. Fix your eyes on Him, be faithful in doing what he has called you to do, he takes care of the rest.

Always make God’s priority your own priority (Matthew 6 verse 33). Do not envy others who are doing well rather appreciate the grace of God in their lives.

Remember there maybe classmates, coursemates but nothing like Gracemate.



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