Diocese Of Aba Ngwa North 2022 Prayer And Spirituality A.g.m

Mama Aba Ngwa North

The Decree Of The Watchers (Dan.4:17)

A decree is an official order issued by a legal authority. The key part of this definition is the legal authority. For a decree to be official – which means it can be executed – the person issuing the decree must have the authority or the right to pronounce the order.

Without that authority, a decree is worthless. I could stand up in my house and decree that the speed limit on the highway will now be 75 miles per hour instead of 65 miles per hour. While this may be what I want, it is not enforceable because I don’t have the legal authority to make that decree.

When people decree in prayer, often they do so under the belief that what they decree will come to pass because they have the power in their words to cause it to happen.


Co-ordinator’s charge by

Evangelist (Mrs) Precious chidinma ibe

This year’s team says “the decree of the watchers” (Daniel 4: 17)Decree in our contest is an authoritative  command made by someone.

Watcher is one who is commissioned by God to announce an impending danger,  one who is alert and alive in the spirit, a solicitor etc.


We are to discharge our duties as Watchers with boldness and faithfulness. We are assigned to  decree what God has commanded us, knowing that we are messengers who do not have words of our own.

Daniel our case study did not allow his captivity to affect his spirituality or prayer life,  so no matter what is happening around us we are inexcusable.

We must propose in our heart to serve God  however terrible the situation is , God is still God and he will show forth, only remain faithful and committed unto him.

 Brethren,the present  condition of our country could be likened to that of Genesis 4…” God showed His Almightiness, He is still God,  he cannot change, the warning is for both the leaders and the led to heed to His warning and turn around the way He will pass his judgement will powerful and trerrible (Daniel4:5).

God will disregard the unserious person and tell you the intent of his mind only if you yeild completely to him.

Therefor devote time and be determined ,be willing and obedient unto him. Be holy and unfaithful daily – he can never fail.


Bible study by

Ven.chris ibe

Theme : The decree of the Watchers

Topic :The watchers in a timely like this

Text :Daniel 4:1-18

M.v : Mathew 26:41

Aim :To prepare us toward being Always On guard and prayerful  in a time like this


Watchers are simply guards who keep watch or vigil over a city or harvest field, as the case may be. They could also be referred to as what men or security guards.

In our text Daniel 4:17, they are referred to as messengers of  holy ones who bring forth God’s message to the people.

watchers are also known as Angels who watch over or checkmate the attitude of proud, arrogant, selfish and ungodly leaders like Nebuchadnezzar.

As watchers  in a time like this, we are expected to be on guard and alert spiritually knowing that the days are evil .(Ephesians 5 verse 16).

We should also be in constant touch with God in order to know his plan concerning issues of the people and nation in general by passing decrees.

Study Questions

1. In your own understanding who is a watcher? Daniel 4 verse 17, Romans 1 verse 1, Ezekiel to 3 vs 17, colossians 1 verse 25.

2. what do you think qualifies one as a watcher? Ezekiel 3 verse 1, Daniel 4 verse 17, Luke 9:62, Hebrew 5: 4-9 .

3. from the following passages discuss the lifestyle of a watcher?Jeol 2:1, Habbakuk 2:1, Ezekiel 3:16-21, Ephesians 4:26, Leviticus 6:12-13.

4. why should the a watcher be on guard always in a time like this? Matthew 26 verse 41, 1st Peter 4 verse 7 ,1st Peter 5 verse 18.

5. As a member of Diocesan women prayer and spirituality .Are we watchers?if yes,what should be our roles towards the present security unrest,killings, kidnapping, unknown gun men and impending calamity ravaging our nation today?


A watcher look out, or keep watch, God has made us watchers so that we could oversee and ensure Justice and equity in our society, therefore, we should prepare ourselves and be on guard in a time like this

Exposition on the theme by

Rev.odiwonma ihediwa

Topic :The decree of the watchers

Text : Daniel 4:13

Watchers:A trained security men who are to safeguards a particular territory. They are positioned in strategic places. They are always at alert.

In the context of  our theme the watchers who has been regenerated from being Dead to sin but alive unti Christ. simply put,who has accepted Jesus Christ as as personal lord and Saviour.

King Nebuchadnezzar testifies to the greatness and power of God after his humbling experience of insanity. He admires God’s doings and speaks of them as one amazed. How great are His signs and how mighty are His wonders (vs 2).

The more we see events to be the Lord’s doing, and see in them the product of a divine power and the conduct of a divine wisdom, the more marvelous they will appear in our eyes (Ps.118:23, 66:2).

Let’s consider the following –

A)God’s Dominion: Dan.4:1-3
Nebuchadnezzar testified that God’s kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and not like his own kingdom. He owned that there is a God that governs the world and has a universal, incontestable, absolute dominion in and over all the affairs of the children of men. Other reigns are confined to one generation and other dynasties to a few generations, but God’s dominion is from generation to generation.

At this commencement of the Watchman ministry, this awareness should be in every Watchman that our God is in-charge because His kingdom and dominion are without end, He cannot be dethroned by any being be it human or spirit.

B)God’s Decree Stands: Dan.4:13-17
The Judgment meted out for Nebuchadnezzar came from the Lord and it cannot be reversed because the Holy One has decree it. Those proud tyrants who set their heart as the heart of God (Ezek.27:2) may justly be deprived of the heart of man and have a beast’s heart given them.
This matter is by the decree of the watchers and the demand by the word of the Holy One. God has determined it as a righteous Judge; He has signed this edict, pursuant to His eternal counsel, the decree has gone forth.

As the Watchman is getting to the golden age, the Lord has given her the mandate to pass decrees on things (whether humans or spirit, situations/circumstances) that want to oppose God’s programme and His servants in this world (Job 22:28). At this time of the new Watchman, God’s suffering people that had long groaned under the heavy yoke of Nebuchadnezzar’s tyranny, should cry to Him for vengeance because their demand will be granted (Exod.22:27, 1Kgs.17:1). This judgment must be executed to convince the unthinking, unbelieving, world, that verily there is a God that judges in the earth, a God that governs the world, that not only has a kingdom of His own in it and administers the affairs of that kingdom but rules also in the kingdom of men, in the dominion that one man has over another, and gives that to whomsoever He wills, from Him promotion comes (Ps.75:6-7).

As God’s prosecutors, let’s arise to pass a decree on matters that we don’t want to continue both in our lives and the nation. Let’s pray

1.  – Let’s talk about the greatness of this our God by praising and worshipping Him before the gods/situations of this world.
Job 22:28, Matt.18:18-19 – Begin to decree that God’s promises and blessings will be upon the president, the Diocesan  with all the brethren.

Decree what you want upon your life, your family, the Church of the living God and the nations of the world with those in authority using Nigeria as a point of contact.

Pray for someone around you using 6:22-27.

Mama Aba Ngwa North closing remark

The simple truth and key to answered prayer is alignment. In fact, every prayer that you pray that is in alignment with God’s will, he will answer.

The purpose in prayer is not to get God to do what you want, which is often at the center of the decree  movement, it is to align your will with what God wants. When your heart, will, and desires are in alignment with God’s heart, God’s will, and God’s desires, then you will pray and ask and God will move. What alignment does is it removes any of the selfish, proud parts of our hearts and puts us back in position where we are trusting God to answer prayer, which is what God wanted all along.

Prayer is not a place where we decree, it is a place where we ask. When we do, we can be confident in our God who is faithful to hear us and more importantly faithful to always do what aligns with his will and what is in our best interest. I leave you with one verse on prayer that sums this up.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,  by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,  present your request to God” (Philippians 4 verses 6)


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