Cleave To Your Wife Kjv

Introduction In today’s world, where marriage is often seen as temporary and disposable, the concept of “cleaving” to one’s spouse seems to have lost its significance. However, the phrase “cleave to your wife” appears in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, and it holds immense value in the context of a Christian marriage. This phrase is found in Genesis 2:24, where God declares that a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. In this article, we will delve into the significance of the phrase “cleave to your wife” in the KJV, its meaning, and its implications for a healthy, godly marriage.

What does “Cleave to Your Wife” Mean? The word “cleave” is often misunderstood as it can have two different, even opposite meanings. On the one hand, “cleave” can mean to separate, split, or divide. On the other hand, “cleave” can mean to stick to, adhere to, or cling to. In the context of Genesis 2:24, the latter definition is used. To “cleave” to one’s spouse means to hold fast to them, to remain faithful and devoted to them, and to prioritize their relationship above all others.

Why is it Important to “Cleave to Your Wife“? Cleaving to one’s spouse is crucial for a healthy and fulfilling marriage. When a husband and wife cleave to each other, they make a conscious decision to put each other first, above all other relationships. This means that they prioritize spending time together, communicating with each other, and meeting each other’s needs. When a husband and wife are both committed to cleaving to each other, they build a strong foundation of trust, respect, and love.

Furthermore, cleaving to one’s spouse means being faithful and loyal to them. Adultery is a sin that breaks the trust and intimacy of the marriage relationship. By cleaving to one’s spouse, a husband or wife commits to being faithful and loyal to them, even in the face of temptation.

How Can You “Cleave to Your Wife“? Cleaving to one’s wife requires intentional effort and commitment. Here are a few ways to cleave to your wife:

  1. Prioritize your marriage: Make your spouse your top priority. Spend time together, communicate regularly, and make an effort to understand and meet each other’s needs.
  2. Remain faithful: Commit to being faithful and loyal to your spouse. Avoid situations that could lead to temptation, and be transparent and open in your communication with your spouse.
  3. Seek God together: A strong marriage is built on a foundation of faith in God. Make time to pray and read the Bible together, attend church together, and support each other in your spiritual journeys.
  4. Practice forgiveness: No marriage is perfect, and conflicts are bound to arise. When conflicts do occur, practice forgiveness and seek reconciliation with your spouse.


In conclusion, the phrase “cleave to your wife” is a significant concept in the Bible, especially for Christian marriages. To cleave to one’s spouse means to hold fast to them, remain faithful and devoted to them, and prioritize their relationship above all others. Cleaving to one’s spouse requires intentional effort and commitment, but it is crucial for building a strong and healthy marriage. By prioritizing their marriage, remaining faithful, seeking God together, and practicing forgiveness, a husband and wife can cleave to each other and build a lasting, godly marriage.
