Church of Nigeria(Anglican Communion)

Diocese of Aba Ngwa North Bible study for Sunday school Nov.28 (Advent Sunday)

Theme: Are you ready to die?

Subtheme: Live for Christ

Topic: Readiness for the inevitable return

Text: Romans 13:11-14

Memory verse:”Therefore, be ye also ready; for such an hour as ye think not, the son of Man cometh” (Matthew 24 verse 44)

Aim: To prepare hearers of the inevitable return of Christ Jesus.


Today begins the journey into the feast of advent. it is the season that reminds every believer of the inevitable and imminent return of Christ as the judge of the world.

At first, he came as the Saviour, at his return. He will come as judge, everybody (but the living and the Dead) shall be responsible and accountable for the use of his God-given free will .

Therefore, in today’s Sunday school, we shall discuss our readiness to die in order to render account of his stewardship.

May he whose paradise we await Grant us grace of understanding in Jesus name. Amen.

Questions for discussion
1. Is it true that Christ Jesus will surely come again? what biblical testimony do we have as proof ?(John 14 verse 1 – 3, Acts 1:10 to 11).

2a. In our readiness to die in order to give account, we must “cast away all the works of darkness” R(omans 13 verse 12) can you discuss extensively those things we must cast away?(Romans 13:12,  Ephesians 4 verse 31  Colossians 3 vs 5).

b) is it possible to cast all things away and still survive in this world of modernity and corruption?( Romans 13 verse 14,12:2 ; Galatians 5 verse 16, 1 John 2 verse 16).

3. In line with our synod theme, if Christ returns now, are you really ready to face him in judgement? Be sincere.


Let us conclude with this hymn by Danny J. Crosby

“when Jesus comes to reward his servants

whether it be noon or night

faithful to him will he find us watching

with our lamps all trimmed and bright”(CNH573).


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