“Church And Politics In The Year 2022”


Consequent upon the enormous ills, moral decadence ,starvation , famine, unemployment and a high level of materialism ravaging our contemporary society and Christians in particular, the people’s ideology and mentality about life began to change; their wholehearted zeal and  enthusiasm  for the things of God subsided drastically that most of the people who still go to church seems to do so just because they have no alternative.

Running away from, and the condemnation of the secular politics would not even give the church the conclusive atmosphere she needs to function let alone bringing about reformation to the wider society which is part of the major objective and goal of the church”

Rather the interests of majority seems to be the political aspect of the church or secular politics.

Also read this…


For we Are Brother

Be Your Brother’s Keeper

people and mission accepted the Christian Faith as a source of life and blissfulness with little or no interest on the amount of material wealth they can acquire in as much as they please God.


But presently, the church seems to be “Emphasis shift” Christian ministers hither to were concern about the sincere spelling of the gospel as they were charged in the worlds of the “great commission”( Matthew 28 :18-20 )with little or no interest on how they can be elevated in the church hierarchical ladder.

They simply believe that promotion comes from God and not man, but today,the reverse  seems to be the case.

Etymologically ,politics is not associated with evil ,maladministration or bad leadership. it is concerned with the acquisition and all the use of power within a particular group or organisation. it is the process of leadership, hence, one can emphatically assert that in any group of organisation where there is no politics, anarchy is inevitable .

In other words, the church as well as every other human organisation needs politics so as to meet up with their goal and ensures peace and order.

on the other hand, the church is the called out once. it is the collection of human science .overtly, based on the spiritual and religious fundamentals of  the church, she is meant to be the torch that will point the society and  its attendant politics to their expected destination.

Running away from, and the condemnation of the secular politics will not even give the church the conclusive atmosphere she need to function let alone bringing about reformation to the wider society with his part of the major objective and goal of the church.

she is to bring about the positive change the circular world and she alone has the ingredient of regeneration and information. But the problem is that there is a drift from the abinitio Christian politics when compared to the politics of today.

The contemporary Christian politics is associated with egoism,  selfishness, material acquisition and likes  rather than upholding the expected political stand of the church which is in line with the advice of Jesus Christ than anyone who desire to be the great among you must be your servant (Matthew 20:26 ).

The Christian leaders of today seems to have deviated from the sacrificial leadership  demanded of them and have mixed up with the world of today where the governance of a group of people or state have condescended from leadership to rulership, and success is measured by material criteria.

unfortunately, Christians have infiltrated these into the church.

Pastors and church workers want to be promoted physically without considering whether God is demoting them spiritually because of the drift . Therefore they go a long way lobby and indulge in character assassination to be promoted .

In the same vein, gospel ministers aspire to be chaplains in government House chapels just to go and sing the praises of the government officer and enrich themselves with a  total neglect of the spiritual aspects of the ministry, what a mess !

In 2022 we make a crayon call on all the church remanent to return to old time religion so as to restore the departed glory the church to  become what it is supposed to be 
