Sure foundation
building on a sure foundation

Building on a sure foundation has to do with one building his foundation on Jesus Christ, living according to the word of God.

For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11, NIV)

We are going to approach this theme from the premise of an urgent call that you, your family, the Church and the world must be

built on that one but sure foundation. If there is any hope of being relevant and standing the taste of time.

That is very important, beloved. A  sure foundation, of course, is always important for the building.

For the sure foundation in many respects, determines the superstructure that must be built on it. It stands to reason that the

foundation already determines the size and the strength and the shape of the superstructure. You cannot build a palatial

edifice on a flimsy foundation. You cannot build a perfectly square edifice on an oblong foundation. You cannot build a skyscraper

on a foundation that is intended for a garage. The strength and the size and the shape of the foundation already determine

the superstructure. For that reason when the superstructure is planned, the foundation must be planned.


In second Timothy chapter two and verse nineteen, St. Paul speaks of the sure foundation of God. Therefore, the question is what is the superstructure that is built on

that sure foundation? What building is to be put upon, what building is supposed to be construed upon that foundation of which the apostle Paul speaks?

The apostle does not mention the superstructure. He does not say what building is presupposed here. But we can easily conjecture what must be the building which he has in mind.

That is very plain from all Scripture. Only of the church as a building does the Bible ever speak. Scripture never speaks of any other building than the church of Jesus Christ-

sometimes as a temple, sometimes as a simple building, sometimes as house, etc. but when Scripture speaks of a house or a building or a temple, and then it always

means the church of Jesus Christ. Besides, that this is true is also plain from verse twenty of second Timothy chapter two.

There the apostle speaks of a house, a house with any vessels. There is no question about it, that the superstructure that is

supposed to be built on this foundation is the church of Jesus Christ our Lord.

But naturally the question arises; the church from what aspect? You can speak of the church from more than one point of view, of course.

Especially is the distinction well-known between the church as organism and the church as institute. That distinction is well-known to all that have attended catechism among us.

When we speak of the church as an organism, we simple mean the individual members of the church from the point of

view of their organic relation to Christ Jesus as members in His body, as branches of the vine or of the olive tree. That is the church as an organism.

But the apostle in the words of our text certainly does not refer to the church as such. That also is very evident as the

apostle makes the distinction between the house and the vessels in that house. The vessels in that house are undoubtedly the

individual members, maybe also the office bearers. But at any rate, the house is the church itself, in distinction from its individual members.

Therefore I maintain that even the apostle here speaks of the foundation of God that stand sure, he had in mind the superstructure of the church as well-

established institution, a well-built house. He has in mind the church with its offices, the church with its ministry of the Word, the church with its overseers, with its offices of

mercy, the church with its exercise of Christian discipline, the church with its keys of the kingdom of heaven. That aspect of the church, the church as in institute, well-

established, well organized, is meant by the superstructure which must be built on the foundation of which the apostle speaks. We are not speaking of a building like the one

we are in right now. This building is finished. This building does its function without any idea or consciousness of itself, of its

purpose, or of its function. Rather this building that is being built, this temple is not static. The foundation is not static, the

formation is not static and the function is not static. It is dynamic. It is living.

The Foundation

The next question is what is meant by the foundation? A foundation is the part of a building, usually below the ground, that

transfers and distributes the weight of the building onto the ground. The lowest part of a building, and on which it rest. The basis of something such as theory or an idea.

Figuratively used. Foundation refers to Origin (Job 4:19, Gen. 2:7; 3:19) where men are represented as dwelling in clay houses, whose foundation i.e origin was in the dust

beginning (Matt. 13:35; 25:34) as the foundation of the world, doctrines of the apostles (Ep. 20) the first principles of the Gospel (Heb. 6:12) the righteous

(Prov.10:25). The expression of the word foundation in the Scriptures is illustrative of Christ (Isaiah 28:16; 1 Cor. 3:11) Needless to

say a foundation is the footing or base upon which a building or structure rests. Actually it is the most important and vital part of a building.

Without a good foundation the whole building stands in jeopardy. A sure foundation is one that will do the job it is designed to do.

To sustain the weight that it must carry it has to b e strong and durable. It must be so designed that it will stand the stress of heat,

cold, storm and earthquake. In its particular reference, it is a foundation that will not fail under any circumstances.

Certainly we can see why a sure foundation is chosen as a symbol of our Lord Jesus Christ. The whole structure of the church

and the kingdom of God in general rests upon his deity. As the head of all principality and power that is none other name under

heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Col. 2:10 Acts 4:12.

Therefore, according to Scripture, it is very plain that eh foundation- to speak in general- is the truth as it is in Christ. Jesus Christ is

the chief cornerstone of the foundation that is laid by the apostles and prophets, that is, Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone of the

truth that has been delivered, proclaimed, revealed through the instrumentality of prophets and apostles. Therefore, we may

certainly say that the foundation is the truth as it is in Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus Christ, the incarnated Son of God, who revealed to us the fullness of the Father, first

of all, during His entire sojourn in the world; and finally, more fully, through the apostles and prophets of the new dispensation;

Jesus Christ, who died on the cross, who was delivered for our transgressions, who was raised the third day for our justification,

who was exalted at the right hand of God- that Jesus Christ, the fullness of the revelation of Jesus Christ, who revealed

Himself in all His fullness to us, particularly during the years one to thirty-three A.D, in the world. That Jesus Christ is the chief

cornerstone of the foundation that is laid, that is, that is revealed by the prophets and apostles of Holy Scripture.

That same Jesus Christ, who so objectively revealed that father, and who objectively became the chief cornerstone of the

foundation of the house of God-that same Jesus Christ became Christ subjectively through the spirit on the day of Pentecost.

That also belongs to the foundation revealed to us in the Holy Scriptures. Without that spirit there is nothing. Without

that spirit the stone is not even laid. Without the spirit of Jesus Christ we cannot be cemented on that stone-there is no building, nor is there really a foundation. But the spirit

is the Lord. The Lord is the spirit. The Lord Jesus Christ, that is, through Christ Himself, as He the Christ-objective became the foundation on which the church must be built forever.

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*The Characteristics of the foundation

Reliability: I do not know how many of us here have been disappointed by someone we trusted. The look on majority of Nigerian

faces reminds one of the frustration that Israel suffers in the hands of king Rhoboam (1 kings 12: 6-16). Whether you have been

disappointed by an individual, or institution you are partly responsible for your frustration. The Scripture warns against

trusting any mortal simply because they cannot be relied upon (Psalm 146:3). Nevertheless, God’s sure foundation stands firm… (2nd Tim. 2:19).

The foundation on which we are called to build is sure. To be sure means that Jesus, the foundation is always effective, firm

secure, unerring, dependable, unfailing, steadfast, reliable and trustworthy. After all, he is God’s foundation. That the foundation of Gods stands firms emphasizes the fact

that God has laid that foundation and not mortal. God laid that foundation of which

Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone, from before the foundation of the world, that is, He laid that foundation even before He

conceived of the world; Christ is the first thought of God. Before the foundation of the world, before God conceived of the

foundation of the world, he established Jesus Christ. He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world. He laid the

foundation of the church. Can there be any doubt? Can there be any uncertainty? Is there any question about it? God laid that

foundation not only eternity, but He laid it in time. He laid it when he sent his only begotten son into our flesh. That was God’s work; it had nothing to do with us. He laid it

when he reconciled the world unto Himself in Chris, in the cross. The stone rejected and despised by the builders, He make the chief cornerstone. God did that that. Foundation is of God.

Still more, God raised Jesus from the dead. In His resurrection, He justified and glorified the whole church. The foundation of God stands. When he took His resurrected Son

into glory at His right-hand. He took His whole church into heaven. We are sitting in heavenly places with Jesus Christ our Lord forever and ever. God laid the foundation.

God laid the foundation of the spirit. God laid the foundation when Christ became the quickening spirit, not we. And therefore, because it is the foundation of God, that

foundation stands sure. And the gates of hell can never overwhelm the superstructure that is built on that knows that is true. No

one can lay any other foundation, and no other foundation is worth building on. But nevertheless, beware that you build on nothing beside that one foundation of God that stands sure.

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Sealed by Go: A seal, s you well know, is both a sign of authority and a sign of distinction. This is certainly both. Only the

foundation which has that seal of God is recognized by God. Only the foundation that has the seal of election, of sovereign

election, is recognized as the foundation of the church. None other foundation has God’s mark of authority. God will not build anything o any foundation of man, on any

other foundation than that which has the seal of His everlasting election. He will not! God does not build the church on any fetish, unclean and unrighteous foundation. God

will not build His church, which is to be His handiwork and which is to be the expression and the manifestation of His glorious grace in Christ of distinction, ownership, and authority.

*How Then Do We Build

The Gospel: The Gospel is the foundational truth of Christianity upon which everything else stands. This means that, for anything else we do in Christianity to make sense, it

must be done out of clear understanding and appreciation of the Gospel. To this effect, Paul says “I am so eager to preach the gospel to you who are at Rome” (rom. 1:15).

The Romans are saved, but Paul longs to preach to them the gospel so that “I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong”(Rom. 1:11).

In other words, Paul desires to build up the Roman Christians by insuring that their lives are appropriately set on the foundation of Christian living, the gospel of Christ. The

Gospel message was not merely their entry way to heaven; it was the basic truth on which everything else depended. The

salvation of every Christian depends on the Gospel, it is God’s power for salvation (Rom1:16). We notice here that the Gospel

is not merely a switch to the power of God, neither is it a conduit for the power of God. Through the Gospel, the righteousness from God is revealed to the believer. The Gospel

not only tells us how to be saved, it equally tells us how to live for Christ. Because the same truth that saves us is the faith by

which we are live. Therefore, the Gospel message of salvation is the very power of God that brings one to faith in Jesus Christ, the sure foundation.

In the face of false teachers and erroneous religions, we need a firm grip of our foundation and strong conviction of our faith.

Through the gospel we become rooted on our covenant relationship with God, and a full revelation of who He really is. We are

able to understand more clearly what purpose Gods foundation stands by the Gospel, we avoid tossed about by every wind of doctrine.

Godly Leadership: in 2 Tim 2:15, St. Paul charges Timothy to “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs

not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”. This simply put demands that the ministers gives diligence or makes every

effort to discharge the duties of the ministerial office as to meet the divine approbation. The object of the ministry is not to please men.

Such doctrines should be preached, and such plans formed, and such a manner of life pursued as God will approve. To do this demands study or care for there are many

temptations to the opposite course; there are many things the tendency of which is to lead a minister to seek popular favour rather

than the divine approval. If any man pleases God, it will be as a result of deliberate intention and careful life.

Righteous Living: ……” and let everyone who names the name of the Christ depart from iniquity” (2 Tim. 2:19). It is an elementary

principle in the true church that all who become members of it should lead holy lives. Building on the sure foundation

requires that every member of our church departs from every unholy living, who world have the comfort of the privilege of building

on the sure foundation must make conscience of the duty. If the name of Christ must be called upon us, if He must sustain

us as our foundation, we must separate ourselves from iniquity. If through us our society must be built on Jesus, the Church must say no to any form of party spirit,

division, and segregation. We must resist every urge towards hatred, malice and ungodly wealth. The quest to be on the top, even at the expense of other’s comfort,

must be the bedrock of our daily living. We must be our brother’s keepers, while fashioning our lives after the standards of heaven.

A story in the book of Judges is a legacy to the emptiness of religion that is built on a

false foundation. A man named Micah, with help from his mother, set up idols in a small shrine in his house (Judges 17:1-4). At first,

one of Micah’s sons was a priest at the shrine, but eventually the job was given to a Levite.

Since Israelite priests were from the tribe of Levi, Micah decided that this Levite would be a good priest for this household religion.

He believed that the Levites, simply by his genealogy, would bring God’s blessing on his homemade faith (verse 5-13)

After some time, soldiers from the tribe of Dan came through Micah’s region on their way t attack a peaceful settlement so the

Danites could settle there. As they passed through, they stole Micah’s idols and idols and his priest (Judges 18:16-20). Micah’s entire religion was stolen.

The idols in which Micah had placed his trust had no power to protect themselves, much less their owner. Yet he had treated

them and his religion as something value. And not only had Micah trusted in a religion of his own making, but the tribe of Dan

thought they too had discovered something valuable, adopting Micah’s former idols and priest as their on.

Their worship probably made them feel better about themselves but in the end it proved to be of no true value. It was a

humanly devised religion a faith that was built on sand. Micah’s self-made religion had let him down.

Have you ever felt like Micah, abandoned by something you believed in? Most people place their faith in things that eventually let

them down. But you can place your faith in the one who will never let you down-Jesus Christ.

There is a hope that does not disappoint, a faith that never fails. That kind of faith is built on the Rock, Jesus Christ. There is no

other foundation that is worth building on. If what you have trusted in has moved away from you, if your faith is shaken or has faded, perhaps your beliefs weren’t really

anchored to Jesus Christ. He is our foundation stone. He is the basis for everything we are, everything we do, and most importantly, the wonderful and

glorious future he has for us. Only when we give ourselves to Him, fully entrust ourselves to Him, do we really begin to be what he made us to be.

A false belief may make you feel better for a while, but eventually it will let you down. Some people place their faith in money, in

power or in their reputation. Perhaps your faith in money, in power or in their reputation. Perhaps your faith is in the government, or in a political party. Perhaps it

is in science, or certain social movement. Many fields of human expertise may do much good, but they can never meet the

moral and psychological needs of our souls. They cannot save us from our sins or give us eternal life. They are humanly devised religions that will inevitably let us down.

Our only sure hope is Jesus Christ our faith must be in Him, not in any human, not in any system, not in any organization. He is the one who will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5-6).

The Sermon on the Mount concludes with a parable about building. Those who build on sand will see their houses fall, while those who build on a solid foundation stone will

see their houses endure (Matt. 7:24-27). In the parable, both builders heard the words of Jesus, but the wise builder is the one who acted on those words. It is those who do the

will of God who are accepted (Verse 21). And God’s will is that we believe in the son of God (John 6:28-29). He is the Author and Finisher of our faith, the foundation on

which we can laid by the apostles and prophets.

Nothing else will ever do!
The foundation is already laid, and it stands sure, because it is the foundation of God. That foundation we not have to define anew.

That foundation defined for us already by the church in the past. On that foundation of God of which Jesus is the chief cornerstone,

revealed by the apostles and the prophets, as we have it in the scriptures-on that foundation that is not dubious in outline, on

that clear and strong and well defined foundation the Christians must build.
That is our calling as Christians.That is our calling as a church.That is our calling as

leaders our church.If the Christians must be alive to her mission and become the resource facility for godly living and Civic

freedom,we must build on Jesus Christ,The sure foundation.Any other foundation will be an aberration..


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