Blessed are the persecuted(Matthew 5:10)

Those who are persecuted because of righteousness are blessed. The case of saints is here described. they are persecuted, hunted, pursued, run down and treated as offensive beast who are sought for, to be destroyed.

This passage reminds Christians who are lucky to be in areas where they are allowed to practice their faith freely

without being molested, that there are many others who live in places where they are deprived of basic necessities of life because they believe in Jesus Christ.

Such people are abandoned as the scum of the Earth. The passage also remind us that some people who possess “power” treat some others carelessly, not minding how much injury they inflict on them.

But God is above watching. He comforts his people in their suffering. If they suffer because of their commitments to God’s laws they shall be rewarded.

No suffering experienced by humans on earth can be compared to the rewards from God. The woes of the Earth cannot be compared to the joy and bliss Of heaven.

The righteous will rejoice in gladness. As you meditate on Jesus’ teaching on the way to blessedness, we realise that it is not in line with a predominant cultures of different societies.

we become conscious that the world has erred in its pursuit of blessedness. This is because what many people strive for in the bid to the blessed actually obstructs the gloriois of vision of eternal bliss with God.

Also read this….

Blessed are the peacemakers

You are blessed

You are unique

“Understanding The Origin Of Spiritual Warfare”

The path To Unlimited Blessing

“Spiritual Growth And Transformation”

“The Death Of The Righteous”


“The Death Of The Righteous”

How Have The Mighty Fallen; must We Continue like This?

How Have The Mighty Fallen(2)



The Woman God Uses

Christ has set before us the Divine plan for blessing and blessedness. we must work with God, humbling ourselves before God to bring me blessed. God has graciously called us to his blessedness in Christ Jesus.


The persecution arising from unrighteous behavior is not blessed. If we fail through our own fault, we should expect to suffer negative consequences.

Jesus is talking about the blessing of being persecuted for doing right. But why would we be persecuted for righteousness? The reality in a fallen world is that if we demonstrate genuine righteousness, many will reject us.

Jesus elaborates by pointing out that the prophets, who like him announced God’s kingdom, were persecuted. “Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.

Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matt. 5:11-12).

Righteous people in the workplace may be subjected to active, even severe persecution by people who benefit—or believe they benefit—from injustice there.

For example, if you speak up for—or merely befriend—people who are victims of gossip or discrimination in your workplace, expect persecution.

If you are the president of a trade association, and you speak out against an unfair subsidy your members are receiving, don’t expect them to re-elect you.

The blessing is that active persecution for the right reasons indicates that the powers of darkness believe you are succeeding in furthering God’s kingdom.

Even the best organizations and most admirable people are still tainted by the Fall. None are perfect. The eighth beatitude serves as a reminder to us that working in a fallen world requires courage.

May God’s name be praised for only he bestows real blessings. The wandering man needs to open his life to the wonders of God which are revealed in Christ, for there lies the ultimate blessing.

Those who are persecuted because of righteousness are blessed .
