Anything Is possible, You Can Do Something

Anxiety is the way of Life for many of us. With so much competition and pressure, with so many others striving for the same things we desire, we are bound to think that there is something bad waiting for us around every corner


.so, our defences are up and our blood pressure is shoot high all the time.

“And getting into a boat He crossed over and came to his own city. And behold,they brought to Him a paralytic,lying on His bed”when Jesus saw there faith He said to the paralytic,”take heart,my son; your sin are forgiven”(Mathew 9:1-2).

many people are afraid of failure that they seem destined to fail. some feel nothing is ever good enough, no matter how good it looked. it is so surprising how negative people including Christians can be .At every point they are expecting something able to happen. But life doesn’t have to be this way because God is in control .

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And ,as Paul says ,we can say to,” I can do everything through him who gives me strength “.if you don’t believe it then life will be full of stress .Now this confidence, this strength doesn’t come from ourselves.

Rather it comes from a complete reliance on the power ,love and goodness of God .As paul says in Romans  chapter 8 :”if God is for us ,who can be against us?” we are more than conquerors through him who loves us. for I am convinced that neither death nor life, Neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the Future, nor any powers, Neither  height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our lord that is powerful .

As a matter of fact ,there is nothing more powerful than the  love of God. There is nothing that can conquer it! There is nothing that can defeat it. There is no enemy that can even come close to it! God has proven his love for us through Jesus Christ our lord.

So what are we anxious about ?Anything is possible through the love of Christ .Anything is possible when we trust wholly and completely in God. Though many people are always anxious when faced with some unpleasant situations .Jesus who came to  show us the way never look at situations and left them the way he saw them.

He always effected a positive change. look at the encounter with the widow of Not. Jesus stop the burial procession and gave them jubilee. He looked at the tomb of Lazarus and saw the brokenhearted Mary and Martha and raised Lazarus  back to life bringing back the joy of Mary and Martha.

He saw blind bartimaeus and made him see again. But blind bartimaeus did  something that attracted Jesus .He did not keep quiet when he saw Jesus .Even when disciples of Jesus shouted him down, he shouted out in faith.

He did not allow any obstacle to pull him  away from receiving his miracles. you can also get your miracles  if you want. There is a power inside of you that can do all things. 

Don’tjust sit down and watch the sick die, speak the ward and command the sickness to go in Jesus name.

Are you watching your family go hungry and you sit down doing nothing? Anything is possible. There is a gift in you, use will way  for you. make up your mind not to depend on anybody .stop begging .Begin from somewhere the Bible says,”neglect not the days of the little beginning.” Don’t wait until you see or have millions.

God is  looking out for you to do something. Elisha asked  the wife of the prophet that what she  had and she used the little oil to fill up  jars which is sold and paid her debts.

 What is that thing that poses as an obstacle? until you step out in faith you can never get what you want .Anything is possible

Heavenly father ,I thank you for making me the doer of your word .Lord as I put my faith into action I. receive my miracles in Jesus name amen..
